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The Story of Laddu Gopal and Raghunanda

In the holy town of Sri Khanda, there is a beloved Deity of Gopal Krishna, known affectionately as “Laddu Gopal.”

The Family

Mukundananda and his wife lived there with their young son, Raghunanda. One day, Mukundananda needed to visit a disciple on his deathbed to help him remember Krishna at the time of his passing.

Instructions to the Son

Before leaving, Mukundananda quickly initiated his son by giving him the ugranaya, the first mantra of the Gayatri. “You can worship the Deity. Your mother will tell you what to do. I have to go see my disciple,” he instructed.

The Mother’s Guidance

Raghunanda’s mother then explained, “You just go in, ask the Deity to accept the laddus, and then come back with the plate.”

The Miracle

Following his mother’s instructions, Raghunanda went to the Deity, placed the laddus, and asked, “Please accept these laddus.” However, the Deity did not take them. Raghunanda, with a child’s innocence, began to cry, “Hhuhh huhhh.”

The Deity, moved by the boy’s sincerity, asked, “Why are you crying?”

Raghunanda replied, “You are not taking the laddus.”

The Deity then asked, “You want me to eat?”

Raghunanda insisted, “Oh yes. My mother said you would eat.”

The Divine Interaction

To Raghunanda’s amazement, the Deity transformed into a little boy and started eating the laddus. Raghunanda returned to his mother with an empty plate.

Surprised, his mother asked, “Where are the laddus?”

“The Deity ate them,” Raghunanda answered. This became a daily occurrence, with the Deity consuming the laddus every day.

Mukundananda’s Return

When Mukundananda returned, his wife recounted the miraculous events. Skeptical, he decided to observe the ritual himself. He hid in the temple and listened as Raghunanda again requested the Deity to accept the laddus. Hearing nothing, Mukundananda looked up and saw the Deity, now a little boy, eating the laddus.

The Deity’s Half-Eaten Laddu

Startled, Mukundananda gasped. The Deity immediately reverted to stone, but with a half-eaten laddu in His hand. From that day on, they offered the Deity a half laddu as a sign of this divine interaction.

Raghunanda’s Fame

Raghunanda became very famous because the Deity was eating from his hand. As he grew up, he established the Deity of Lord Caitanya dancing in Khatwa, at the place where Lord Caitanya took sannyas.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Childlike Faith: The story highlights the power of pure, childlike faith in invoking divine miracles. Sincerity and innocence in devotion can draw the Lord’s attention.
  2. Sincere Worship: Raghunanda’s earnest request for the Deity to accept the laddus signifies the importance of heartfelt worship. The Lord responds to genuine devotion.
  3. Witnessing Divine Grace: Mukundananda’s experience shows that witnessing divine grace can transform skepticism into faith. Personal encounters with the divine strengthen belief and devotion.
  4. Continued Devotion: The tradition of offering half laddus signifies the lasting impact of divine interactions and the importance of continuing devotional practices.

Teaching from Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam 9.4.63: “The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu, is always pleased with those who follow His orders and serve Him with love and devotion. Indeed, He is never pleased with those who perform religious rituals without devotion.”

This verse underscores the essence of devotion in worship. The Lord is pleased with sincere devotion rather than mere ritualistic practices.

Teaching of Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada emphasized the importance of pure devotional service and the need to approach the Lord with a sincere heart. He taught that the essence of all spiritual practices is to develop love for Krishna.

Srila Prabhupada said: “Devotional service is not a matter of sentimental speculation or imaginative ecstasy. Its substance is practical activity.” (Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 12.8, Purport)

This teaching reminds us that sincere and practical devotional activities, performed with love, are the true essence of spiritual practice.


O Lord Krishna,
Please grant us the pure and sincere devotion of Raghunanda.
Help us to serve You with the same innocent faith and love,
So that we may experience Your divine presence in our lives.
May our hearts be filled with unwavering devotion,
And may we always seek to please You with our humble offerings.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

May Your divine grace and blessings be upon us always,
Guiding us towards pure devotion and eternal bliss in Your service.

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