You are currently viewing Value of once chanting holy name of Lord Rama

Encounter with the Sinner

Once a devotee reached a sinner who had never performed even one pious deed, held his hand and said, “Say Rama.”

The sinner responded, “Let go of my hand and go away, you hypocrite.”

Because the devotee was young and strong, the sinner could not snatch his hand away from the devotee.

The devotee said, “Until you say the name Rama, I will not release your hand.”

The sinner became angry, spoke abusive words, and pushed the devotee, but the devotee did not release him.

When the sinner became dispirited, he reluctantly said, “Rama.”

The devotee then said, “Do not sell the purity earned from chanting Rama at any time.”

To this, the sinner said, “Go away, you fool. You have given me something valuable and you are asking me not to sell it, ridiculous.”

The Sinner’s Afterlife

Afterward, the devotee left for pilgrimage.

In due course, the sinner died and was taken by the Yamadutas to hell for punishment.

When Chitragupta, Yamaraja’s secretary, examined the account of the sinner’s life, he could not find any piety; thus he told Yamaraja,

“This person is a big sinner. He had never performed any pious deeds, except for one day when a devotee pushed him to say Rama.”

Then Yamaraja said to the sinner, “Do you want to first enjoy the merit resulting from your chanting Rama, or would you like to experience the results of your sins first?”

At that moment, the sinner remembered the devotee who had told him to say Rama, and said, “Do not sell this name.”

The cunning sinner thought to use this information in this dire situation.

He asked Yamaraja, “Please tell me the value of Rama’s name. I want to exchange its merits for my suffering here.”

Yamaraja responded, “The value of Lord Rama’s name is very vast, but how vast it is I do not know.”

The sinner then said, “Please take me to someone who knows its value.”

Journey to Know the Value

Yamaraja thought, I also want to know its value, and then said, “Let us go to Indra, the King of Heaven, for clarification.”

The clever sinner then said, “I do not want to walk there, you have to take me by palanquin.”

Because Yamaraja’s messengers are not allowed to enter heaven, Yamaraja and Chitragupta carried the palanquin.

From a distance, Indra saw Yamaraja bringing someone to him on a palanquin and thought, this person may be a great devotee; therefore, as soon as they entered his palace, Indra offered him respects.

After asking of Yamaraja’s well-being, he asked who the person on the palanquin was.

Yamaraja said, “What can I say about this person, you have already extended your respects to him. He is a sinner and wants to know the value of his once chanting Lord Rama’s name. Just to know its value we have come here.”

Lord Indra then answered, “The whole creation, all wealth, all happiness, victory, all perfections and trances, if combined, cannot equal once chanting Lord Rama’s name. I do not know any more than this, but Lord Brahma may know. Let us go there, I also want to know the value of it as well.”

Upon deciding to go to Lord Brahma’s abode, Lord Indra and Yamaraja had to carry the palanquin because Chitragupta was not allowed to enter there.

Lord Brahma, seeing Lord Indra and Yamaraja bringing someone on a palanquin, thought, “The person sitting upon the palanquin may be a great soul.” Hence Lord Brahma offered him praises with full respect and then asked for his introduction.

Yamaraja then said, “What can I say, you have already praised him. He is a great sinner and wants to know the exact value of once chanting Rama. We did not have the answer, which is why we came to you. Therefore, please tell us the value of saying the name Rama.”

Lord Brahma answered, “Through the potency of chanting Rama I have gained this elevated position of Brahma, but I do not know its complete value. Maybe Lord Siva knows its complete value because he is the greatest devotee of the Lord. Chanting Rama can reward everything one desires, and maybe Lord Siva knows the details. Therefore let us go to Lord Siva’s place.”

Revelation by the Supreme Lord

Lord Indra and Yamaraja then lifted the palanquin and proceeded to Lord Siva’s residence, Mount Kailasa.

Upon seeing Lord Indra and Yamaraja carrying a person on a palanquin before him, Lord Siva embraced him and immediately asked for his introduction.

To this Yamaraja said, “What introduction can we give about this person, you have already embraced him. Still, let me tell you that he is a great sinner and wants to know the exact value of once chanting the name Rama.”

Lord Siva glorified the Lord’s name with all of his five heads and then said, “I only know what I have said, I do not know anything more, only the Lord knows its complete value. Let us go to Him because I also want to know the value of chanting the name Rama.”

After saying this, Lord Siva brought everyone to the Milk Ocean where the Lord resides. There they heard a voice stating, “Who is there and what do you want?”

Lord Siva and Lord Brahma answered, “We have brought a great sinner with us who wants to know the value of saying Your name.”

After hearing Lord Siva and Lord Brahma’s statements, the Lord said, “You first both lift him on your shoulders and place him on My lap, then I shall tell the value of chanting My name.”

Lord Siva and Lord Brahma obeyed the Lord’s command and also wanted to know the value of chanting His name and thus lifted the sinner on their shoulders and placed him on the Lord’s lap.

Then the Supreme Lord said to both Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, “This is the value of chanting My name. A person who repeats My name purely becomes free from all sins of this world and comes to Me by climbing on your shoulders to sit upon My lap.”

Even though the sinner had begrudgingly chanted Rama, he received the same result as a person would receive from chanting it purely because the devotee who had taken his hand had blessed him. Blessing received from a pure devotee carries so much value.

Moral of the Story:

  1. Power of the Holy Name: The story illustrates the immense power of chanting the holy name of the Lord, even if it is done reluctantly or without full faith. The name itself is so potent that it can grant liberation and purify the chanter from all sins.
  2. Grace of Devotees: The blessings and influence of pure devotees are incredibly powerful. A devotee’s compassion and persistence can lead even a sinner to liberation.
  3. True Value of Devotion: The value of chanting the holy name is beyond material wealth and pleasures. It is the highest form of spiritual practice and has the power to grant ultimate liberation and a place in the Lord’s abode.
  4. Envy and Jealousy: The story also touches upon the nature of envy and jealousy and how they can be transcended through devotion and the mercy of the Lord.

This story encourages us to always chant the holy names of the Lord and seek the association and blessings of pure devotees, as their influence can lead us to the highest spiritual destination.

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