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The Joyous Return

After Lord Ramachandra killed Ravana and handed over the kingdom of Lanka to Sri Vibhishan, there was joy and gaiety everywhere. Lord Rama decided to return to Shri Ayodhya Puri with His confidants and friends.

When Lord Rama reached Ayodhya, it was a celebration all over. For the residents of Ayodhya, Lord Rama was not just a king but their LIFE and SOUL. For them, each moment without Him was like a 12-year span. They did not enjoy any luxury, sacrificing all comfort because their Supreme Father was in exile.

The Sun God’s Admiration

When they got the news of Lord Rama’s return, they forgot themselves. The entire Ayodhya was jubilant. Not only the people but also the demigods were celebrating the moment.

At that time, the Sun God was about to set. When He saw the All-Attractive and All-Pleasing Lord Rama, He was so much attracted that He just stood gazing and felt in a trance, forgetting that it was His setting time.

Time Stands Still

In this way, a month passed, and it was day all over. People were so much enjoying the celebration that they did not feel that a month had passed. They never wanted this celebration to end. On the other side, the Moon God was nervous and impatient to have darshan of Lord Rama.

Lord Rama was just smiling at all this. Only He knew that 30 days had passed. The Sun God came to His consciousness and hurriedly left on His chariot toward the west. By the mercy of the Lord, that 30-day duration just turned into a 24-hour day, and no one felt it.

The Moon God’s Desire

Lord Rama was about to proceed toward His palace, and up in the sky, the Moon God was very sad and pale because He missed this spellbound Lila of Lord Rama. Lord Rama knew the desire of the Moon God and asked what the matter was.

At this, the Moon replied, “My Lord, what sin have I done that everyone else enjoyed your arrival except me? You are Karunasindhu, and equal to all. Why did the Sun get the opportunity to have Your darshan, and why not me?”

Lord Rama’s Assurance

Lord Rama replied, “My dear Moon, I know your wish. Don’t lament. I will certainly fulfill your desire, but not this time. In my next incarnation, as Krishna, I will appear on FULL MOON day, and then you can satisfy your desire by enjoying My ALL-Attractive and All-Pleasing appearance. You will also be glorified.”

Moral of the Story

Just see how merciful the Lord is! He cares even for the smallest wish of His devotees and fulfills it by all means. It is astonishing to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead caring for His devotees’ wishes. Lord Rama came in the Suryavanshi dynasty, whereas Lord Krishna appeared in the Chandravanshi dynasty, showing His immense mercy and compassion.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Divine Compassion The Lord is always compassionate and caring, fulfilling the desires of His devotees in the most appropriate way.
  2. Patience and Faith Devotees should have patience and faith that the Lord will fulfill their genuine desires in His own time.
  3. Eternal Relationship The relationship between the Lord and His devotees transcends time and space, demonstrating the eternal bond of love and devotion.
  4. Recognition of Devotion The Lord recognizes and honors the devotion of every living being, no matter how small their desire may seem.

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