You are currently viewing Liberation through Govardhana Hill: The power and glory of Govardhana Hill

The Attack

A man who had become a rakshasa (demon) in his next life attacked a brahmana at Govardhana Hill. In self-defense, the brahmana killed the rakshasa with a stone from Govardhana Hill. By the grace of Krishna, the rakshasa was liberated as a result of touching the sacred stone.

The Conversation

The brahmana asked the liberated soul, “Who were you in your previous birth? What sin did you commit? O fortunate one, you have spiritual eyes to see all this directly.”

The liberated soul replied, “In my previous birth, I was the son of a wealthy vaisya. From childhood, I was a compulsive gambler, a rake, a drunkard, and addicted to chasing prostitutes. My father, mother, and wife rebuked me again and again. One day, I poisoned my parents and killed my wife with a sword. I took all their money and went south with my prostitute beloved, becoming a merciless thief.”

The Sins and Punishments

The liberated soul continued, “I threw the prostitute into a blind well and left her there to die. I murdered many hundreds of people for money. As a highwayman, I killed many hundreds of brahmanas and thousands of ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. One day, while hunting deer, I stepped on a snake that bit me, and I died. Yamadutas beat me with terrible clubs and dragged me to hell. I suffered in the hell named Kumbhipaka for a manvantara and in various other hells for a kalpa.”

The Transformative Births

“After my punishment in hell, I was born as a pig for ten births, a tiger for a hundred births, a camel for another hundred births, a buffalo, a snake for a thousand births, and was killed by wicked men repeatedly. After ten thousand years of these births, I was born in a desert as a grotesque and wicked monster.”

The Liberation

“One day, I assumed the form of a sudra and went to Vraja, near Vrindavana and the sacred Yamuna. Some people beat me severely, and I fled, hungry for many days. I came to eat you, O brahmana. Then you hit me with a stone from Govardhana Hill. By Lord Krishna’s kindness, I became very fortunate.”

The Ascension

As the liberated soul finished speaking, a chariot as splendid as a thousand suns, drawn by ten thousand horses, came from Goloka. The chariot, decorated with a great network of bells and ornaments, approached. The brahmana and the liberated soul bowed down before it. Climbing the chariot and losing all interest in the material world, the liberated soul went to Krishna’s beautiful abode, the highest of all spiritual realms.

Moral of the Story

In the Gautamiya Tantra, Narada asks: “What are the 32 forests of Vrindavana? I wish to hear of them. O Lord, if you think I am worthy to hear, please tell me of them.”

Lord Krishna replied: “This place named Vrindavana is My transcendental abode. When they die, the humans, cows, animals, birds, insects, and worms who live here will go to My eternal abode. The gopis who live here are eternally devoted to My service. The forty miles of Vrindavana forest is My own transcendental form. The Yamuna river there flows with nectar. Here, the saints and demigods reside in subtle forms. I, who am the personification of all the demigods, never leave this forest. Millennium after millennium, I appear and disappear. This beautiful and splendid abode cannot be seen with material eyes.”

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Transformative Power of Holy Places The touch of a sacred stone from Govardhana Hill can liberate even a sinful soul, demonstrating the sanctity and spiritual potency of holy places.
  2. Grace of the Lord Lord Krishna’s mercy can liberate even the most sinful souls, underscoring His boundless compassion and grace.
  3. Repentance and Redemption Sincere repentance and a moment of grace can lead to liberation, regardless of one’s past sins.
  4. Importance of Vrindavana Vrindavana is not just a physical location but a transcendental abode where even the smallest creatures can attain liberation.


“O Lord Krishna, please grant us the understanding to recognize the sanctity and spiritual potency of holy places like Vrindavana and Govardhana Hill. Help us to seek Your grace and mercy, knowing that You can liberate even the most sinful souls. May we always remember the importance of sincere repentance and strive to live a life devoted to You.”

Teachings from Srila Prabhupada’s Books

From the Bhagavad Gita

In the Bhagavad Gita (9.30-31), Lord Krishna says: “api cet su-duracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak sadhur eva sa mantavyah samyag vyavasito hi sah ksipram bhavati dharmatma sasvac-chantim nigacchati kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati”

“Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in devotional service, he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination. He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.”

This verse highlights the transformative power of devotional service and the Lord’s assurance of protection for His devotees.

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