You are currently viewing The Wisdom of Narada as a Worm

Narada, a celestial sage renowned for his devotion and wisdom, once experienced the cycle of birth in various forms due to a curse. In one of his incarnations, he was born as a worm. This story captures a moment from that life.

A Life of Instinct

One day, as Narada, in the form of a worm, was moving about, he noticed a chariot approaching. Driven by the instinct of self-preservation, the worm hurriedly moved out of the chariot’s path to avoid being crushed.

The King’s Amusement

The king riding in the chariot witnessed this sight and found it amusing. He burst into laughter at the frantic movements of the small creature.

The Worm Speaks

To the king’s surprise, the worm spoke up. It said:

“There is nothing to be laughed at in my action. In every birth, the body is dear to the atman (soul). Just as you love your body, I also love and protect my body.”

A Universal Truth

This simple yet profound statement highlighted a universal truth—that all beings, regardless of their form, value their life and strive to preserve it. This teaching emphasizes empathy and the recognition of the inherent value of life in every form.

A Lesson from the Mahabharata

This story from the Mahabharata serves as a reminder of the fundamental principle of ahimsa (non-violence) and the importance of respecting all forms of life. It underscores the shared instinct for survival and the universal connection between all living beings, encouraging compassion and understanding across different existences.

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