You are currently viewing Holy name story: The Teachings of Nimai Pandit on the Holy Name of Krishna

The Scene

One morning, after bathing in the sacred Ganges, Nimai Pandit (Lord Caitanya) sat down to teach Sanskrit to His students. Completely absorbed in Krishna, Nimai Pandit chanted the holy name of Krishna and nothing else. His students could not understand His profound spiritual mood.

Nimai’s Teachings

Nimai Pandit explained to His students that Krishna is the essential lesson of everything. He asserted that all Sanskrit sutras, aphorisms, and commentaries ultimately describe the glories of the holy name of Krishna.

In the Shri Caitanya Bhagavata, Madhya Khanda, Chapter One, texts 148 to 168, it is stated:

The Holy Names of Krishna

  1. The Lord said, “The holy names of Krishna are eternal Truth. All scriptures explain Krishna and nothing else.”
  2. “Krishna is the Supreme controller, the Creator, the Maintainer, and the Annihilator. Everyone beginning from Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva is His servant.”
  3. “The life of anyone who gives up the lotus feet of Krishna and explains things as separate from Him is useless as a result of his false statements.”
  4. “The philosophies in all scriptures headed by the agamas and Vedanta describe the wealth of devotion to the lotus feet of Krishna.”
  5. “Teachers bewildered by the illusory energy of Krishna give up the devotional service and take to other paths.”
  6. “Lord Krishna is the ocean of mercy, the life and soul of the universe, the lover of His servants, and the darling son of the cowherd Nanda,”
  7. “Even if one studies all the scriptures, if he has no affection or inclination for the name of Krishna, he is certainly degraded.”
  8. “If a poor fallen person takes to chanting the holy names of Krishna, he attains the abode of Krishna in spite of having many faults.”
  9. “This is the purport of all scriptures. Anyone who doubts this fact suffers.”
  10. “Anyone who explains the scriptures without referring to the worship of Krishna is a fallen soul who does not know the purport of the scriptures.”
  11. “Those who do not know the purport of the scriptures yet teach them to others are simply like donkeys carrying a load of books.”
  12. “People obtained death and destruction through such study of the Vedas, and as a result, they are deprived of the festivals of Lord Krishna.”
  13. “The Lord awarded liberation to Putana, yet people will leave aside Krishna to meditate on others.”
  14. “For what happiness will someone give up the glorification of Krishna Who delivered the most sinful Aghasura?”
  15. “The entire world is purified by the name of Krishna, yet wretched living entities abstain from chanting His glories.”
  16. “Even the demigods headed by Lord Brahma are overwhelmed by the festivals of Krishna, yet people give up such festivals and take pleasure in inauspicious dancing and singing.”
  17. “The holy names of Krishna delivered Ajamila, yet those who are intoxicated by wealth, good birth, and education do not know Him.”
  18. “O brothers, please hear My truthful statement. Worship the invaluable wealth of the lotus feet of Krishna.”

166-167. “O brothers, may you all desire to attain the same lotus feet that Mother Lakshmi desires to serve, the same lotus feet by Whose worship Lord Shiva became known as a pure servant, and the same lotus feet from which the Ganges emanated.”

  1. “Who in Navadvipa has the power to refute My explanations before Me.”

Reflection on the Teachings

Krishna is the Central Truth:

  • Nimai Pandit emphasized that Krishna is the central truth of all scriptures and the essence of all knowledge. Every spiritual teaching ultimately points towards Krishna and His glories.

Supreme Controller:

  • Krishna is acknowledged as the Supreme controller, the Creator, Maintainer, and Annihilator. Even the greatest demigods like Brahma and Shiva are His servants.

Devotional Service:

  • True understanding of scriptures leads to devotion to Krishna. Without affection for Krishna’s holy name, all scriptural knowledge is futile.

Purifying Power of the Holy Name:

  • The holy names of Krishna have the power to deliver even the most sinful souls, as illustrated by the stories of Putana and Ajamila.

Eternal Service:

  • The ultimate goal is to attain and serve the lotus feet of Krishna, the same feet that Mother Lakshmi, Lord Shiva, and the Ganges revere.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Centrality of Krishna:
    • Krishna is the central figure in all spiritual teachings. Understanding this is crucial for true spiritual progress.
  2. Devotion Over Knowledge:
    • Devotion to Krishna, expressed through chanting His holy names, is more important than mere scriptural knowledge.
  3. Purity Through the Holy Name:
    • The holy name of Krishna is purifying and has the power to deliver even those with many faults. Sincere chanting is key.
  4. Spiritual Unity:
    • All great spiritual paths ultimately converge in the worship of Krishna. Recognizing this unity can deepen one’s spiritual practice.


The teachings of Nimai Pandit on the holy name of Krishna remind us of the centrality of Krishna in all spiritual practices. By chanting the holy names sincerely and understanding their profound significance, one can attain spiritual realization and eternal service to the Supreme Lord. The story emphasizes that devotion, more than mere scholarly knowledge, is the true path to spiritual enlightenment

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