You are currently viewing Holy name story: Devoted Queen and Her Secretive King

The Devoted Queen

There was a king who had a very devoted queen. The queen was deeply religious and always engaged in devotional activities such as worship, kīrtana, and hearing recitations of devotional literature. Her only sadness was that her husband never participated in these activities, even though he supported and facilitated them. Despite her efforts, the king would not even utter the name of Kṛṣṇa. He would simply smile and walk away, leaving the queen unsuccessful in her attempts to involve him in devotional practices.

A Change in the Queen’s Demeanor

One morning, the king noticed that the queen was exceptionally happy and busy, ordering the palace staff to decorate the entire palace. She instructed the cooks to prepare a grand feast and called for musicians to perform. The king, puzzled by the sudden festivity, asked the queen the reason for her joy and preparations. The queen replied that it was the biggest festival day of her life.

The Revelation

The king, even more curious, asked why it was the biggest festival. The queen revealed that her long-cherished wish had been granted: during his sleep, the king had recited the name of Kṛṣṇa, to her great delight. Upon hearing this, the king collapsed to the ground, uttering, “O God, my secret is out.”

Moral of the Story

Keeping sacred things secret does not mean one should never teach others about Kṛṣṇa, bhakti, and related practices. For example, the Gosvāmīs wrote many books, and Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī sent Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura and others out from Vṛndāvana to Gauḍadeśa to spread Śrī Caitanya’s teachings. However, it is important to be cautious and only teach those who are deserving. Even while teaching deserving people, one should be careful not to unnecessarily reveal one’s own mantra, guru, specific aspirations, specific practices, or specific realizations, as doing so can very likely ruin those sacred things.

Reflection on the Story

The Power of Devotion:

  • The queen’s unwavering devotion and her joy in seeing the king unknowingly engage in the name of Kṛṣṇa highlight the transformative power of sincere devotion.

Respecting Sacredness:

  • The king’s reaction upon realizing his secret was out underscores the importance of maintaining the sanctity and confidentiality of one’s spiritual practices and realizations.

Teaching with Discretion:

  • The story illustrates the need for discretion when sharing spiritual knowledge, ensuring it is imparted to those who are genuinely deserving and ready.

Extract from Bhakti Sandarbha by Jīva Gosvāmī

The path of devotion has thus been outlined in this book. If, by the mercy bestowed by guru or Bhagavān, one has realized some confidential truth regarding the practice or the goal of devotion, and has thus incorporated it into one’s very existence, this should not be disclosed to anybody.

As Śrī Viṣṇu told Aditi Devī:

naitat parasmā ākhyeyaṁ pṛṣṭyāpi kathañcana sarvaṁ sampadyate devi deva-guhyaṁ su-saṁvṛtam

“O goddess, even if requested, never reveal this matter to anyone. All that is secret even to the gods bears fruit when properly concealed.” (SB 8.17.20)


Maintaining Confidentiality:

  • Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī brings his discussion on bhakti to a close with important advice on maintaining confidentiality about one’s spiritual practices and realizations. In modern times, where self-promotion is common, it is crucial to remember the value of secrecy in spiritual matters.

Self-Praise and Secrecy:

  • In Vedic culture, it was considered impolite to speak about oneself. To praise oneself was thought of as a way to lose one’s piety. In contrast, modern culture often encourages self-praise. However, spiritual realizations should be kept secret to maintain their sanctity.

Why Keep Spiritual Practices Secret?

  • One reason is that spiritual success depends on śraddhā (faith) in one’s guru, mantra, deity, and process. If revealed to others, this faith can be undermined by those who do not follow the same path or understand its significance. This can lead to doubts and weaken one’s śraddhā.
  • Another reason is that sharing one’s mantra and practices freely can make them seem less special and sacred.
  • Furthermore, telling others about oneself can lead to pride, arguments, and disrespect, which can cause a fall from the essential humility of bhakti.

Protecting Spiritual Practice:

  • It is advised to keep one’s worshipable deity, guru, mantra, and japa mālā secret. This helps in maintaining the specialness and sanctity of one’s spiritual journey.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. The Importance of Secrecy in Spiritual Practices:
    • Sacred practices and realizations should be kept confidential to maintain their sanctity and potency.
  2. Discretion in Teaching:
    • While sharing spiritual knowledge is important, it should be done with care and discretion, ensuring the recipient is deserving and ready.
  3. The Power of Devotion and Faith:
    • The queen’s persistent devotion and faith eventually led to the king unknowingly participating in devotional activities, demonstrating the subtle yet powerful influence of sincere devotion.
  4. Respect for Individual Spiritual Journeys:
    • The king’s private engagement in chanting Kṛṣṇa’s name highlights that everyone has their unique path and timing in their spiritual journey, which should be respected.


The story of the devoted queen and her secretive king teaches us the importance of maintaining the sanctity of our spiritual practices and the need for discretion when sharing spiritual knowledge. It highlights the transformative power of sincere devotion and the necessity of respecting each individual’s unique spiritual journey. By following these principles, we can ensure that our spiritual practices remain potent and that we contribute positively to the spiritual growth of others.

Maharajji in front of mandir

Sri Vinod Bihari Gosvami

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