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Ambarisha Maharaj and His Sinful Brother

Ambarisha Maharaj had a brother who was very sinful. Despite Ambarisha’s numerous attempts to preach to him, he could not change his brother’s ways. Desperate for help, he turned to Narada Muni and requested him to preach to his brother. Initially reluctant, Narada Muni finally agreed.

Narada Muni’s Attempt

When Narada Muni came to visit the sinful king, he was greeted with respect. However, as soon as Narada began to preach, the king’s demeanor changed. He started screaming and throwing wine bottles at Narada Muni, forcing him to escape. From a safe distance, Narada shouted to the sinful king, “When you are in front of Yamaraja, ask him just one question: ‘What is the result of having sadhu sanga for a lava-matra (moment’s association with a pure devotee of God)?'”

The King Faces Yamaraja

After his death, the sinful king was taken to Yamaraja’s court. Citragupta detailed all the sins committed by the king, and Yamaraja, filled with compassion, said, “You will certainly be thrown into hell for eternity, but I can fulfill your last request now. What do you want?”

Remembering Narada’s advice, the king asked, “Could you tell me what is the result of having sadhu sanga for a lava-matra?”

The Journey to Find the Answer

Yamaraja was amazed. He admitted, “I’m sorry, but here I deal with sinners, not sadhus, so I don’t know the answer. However, since I promised to fulfill your last desire, I’ll take you to Lord Brahma.”

They flew to Brahmaloka, and upon hearing the question, Lord Brahma said, “I’m sorry, I am busy with my creation, and sadhus are not within the realm of my creation. We have to go to Lord Shiva.”

When they arrived at Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva, after hearing the question, said, “How can I answer such a question? I am busy with the ghastly creatures who follow me. We need to ask Lord Narayana himself.”

The Ultimate Answer

They then approached Lord Narayana in Vaikuntha. Hearing the question, Lord Narayana smiled and said, “The result of having sadhu sanga for a lava-matra is that one is delivered to Vaikuntha by all means. Because you have already brought him here, he will stay. You, my dear servants, go back to your duties. Thank you.”

Moral of the Story

The story illustrates the immense value of even a moment’s association with a pure devotee of God (sadhu sanga). Such association has the power to deliver a soul to Vaikuntha, regardless of their past actions. This emphasizes the importance of seeking and valuing the company of true devotees.

Chant and Remember Krishna

This story reminds us to always seek the company of devotees and to remember and chant the holy names:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

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