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Introduction: A Request for a Miracle

On one occasion, Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj, a revered saint, was giving darshan to some guests. These guests, curious about the saint’s spiritual powers, asked him, “Babaji, can you show us a miracle?”

The Response: Humility of a Saint

In response, Jagannath Das Babaji humbly said, “I don’t know how to perform miracles.” The guests persisted, asking him again to show them a miracle. Babaji repeated, “I don’t know how to perform miracles.”

The Unexpected Action: Chasing the Goat

Suddenly, to everyone’s surprise, Jagannath Das Babaji picked up a stick and began beating the ground forcefully, as if he were very angry. The guests, startled and confused, thought they might have offended him or asked an inappropriate question. They quickly began apologizing, saying, “Baba, we’re so sorry! You don’t have to show us any miracles. Please don’t be angry with us.”

Revealing the Truth

Babaji calmly responded, “No, no, I’m not angry with you. I was chasing away a goat that was trying to eat a Tulsi plant near the cottage of Lokanath Goswami.” This revelation left the guests even more astonished. Jagannath Das Babaji was in Mayapur, in Navadvipa, while Lokanath Goswami’s cottage was far away in Radhakund, Vrindavan. Despite the vast distance, Babaji claimed to have seen and acted upon something happening over a thousand kilometers away.

Testing the Vision: A Test of Faith

The pilgrims, filled with wonder and some doubt, decided to test the truth of Babaji’s words. Although they knew that testing a Mahabhagavata, a great soul, was not proper, they were curious. They sent a telegram to Vrindavan, specifically to Radhakund, inquiring whether a goat had indeed been near the Tulsi plant by Lokanath Goswami’s cottage that afternoon.

Confirmation of the Miracle

Soon, they received a reply: “Yes, there was a goat that came close to eating a Tulsi plant near the cottage of Lokanath Goswami, but it suddenly got frightened, as if it heard a loud noise, and ran away.” This confirmation left the pilgrims in awe, as it proved that Jagannath Das Babaji, despite being physically in Mayapur, had accurately perceived and acted upon something happening in Vrindavan.

Conclusion: The Unity of the Dhamas

This miraculous incident teaches us a profound spiritual truth. Although Navadvipa and Vrindavan are separated by great distances, both are manifestations of the same spiritual realm. Pure devotees like Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj, through their transcendental vision, can perceive events in these sacred places regardless of physical distance.

The lesson for us is that with pure eyes, purified by loving devotion, one can perceive the deeper spiritual reality that transcends the limitations of time and space. The proof lies in the realization that there is no difference between Vrindavan and Mayapur, even if the moods of these holy places may differ slightly, each in its unique, wonderful way.


O Lord, just as Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj could see beyond the material boundaries, grant us the clarity and purity of vision to perceive the oneness of your holy abodes. May we develop the devotion necessary to transcend physical limitations and experience the divine reality of your presence in all sacred places. Help us to appreciate the unity in diversity within your spiritual realm and deepen our love and faith in you. Jai Shri Krishna!