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Introduction: A Devotee’s Challenge

Narsinh Mehta, a highly revered Vaishnava poet and saint, was deeply engrossed in his devotion, spending most of his time singing bhajans in praise of Lord Krishna. However, his intense devotion often led to worldly challenges, especially concerning his family’s material needs. One such challenge arose after the death of his father, when the annual Shradha ceremony had to be performed—a ritual that required certain offerings and preparations, which Narsinh Mehta had no means to afford.

The Family Conflict

Every year, the Shradha ceremony was performed by Narsinh Mehta’s elder brother, who bore all the expenses. But tensions arose when the elder brother’s wife, frustrated by the financial burden, insulted Narsinh Mehta’s wife, accusing them of contributing nothing while leaving all responsibilities to her husband. Hurt by these words, Narsinh Mehta’s wife boldly declared that this year, they would perform the Shradha themselves.

Narsinh Mehta’s Unwavering Faith

Upon hearing this, Narsinh Mehta was overjoyed, despite having nothing to offer. His joy was so great that he began inviting the entire village to the ceremony, assuring them of their participation. However, as the day approached, his wife grew anxious, realizing that they had nothing to serve their guests. In her desperation, she offered her golden bangles to Narsinh Mehta, urging him to sell them to buy the necessary provisions.

A Test of Faith in the Marketplace

Narsinh Mehta obediently went to the market, sold the bangles, and bought all the required items—except ghee, which he forgot. When his wife noticed the missing ghee, she sent him back to the market. However, this time, with no money left, Narsinh Mehta was unable to purchase the ghee. Every merchant he approached refused to sell to him, finding various excuses.

Krishna’s Intervention

Finally, at the end of the market, Narsinh Mehta encountered a merchant sitting under a tree with jars of ghee. When Narsinh Mehta explained his situation, the merchant, instead of demanding payment, asked him to sing a bhajan in exchange for the ghee. Overjoyed, Narsinh Mehta began singing, completely losing himself in his devotion to Krishna, forgetting all about the ghee and the pressing needs at home.

Meanwhile, back at home, Narsinh Mehta’s wife was growing increasingly anxious, unaware that Krishna Himself had taken over the preparations. Miraculously, when Narsinh Mehta finally returned, he was met with an astonishing sight: all the food was prepared, and the house was filled with golden plates and new sarees for the guests.

The Miraculous Shradha Ceremony

As the guests arrived, they were not only served delicious prasada but were also given golden plates to eat from, which they could take home as Dakshina. The women received new sarees, and the entire village was overjoyed, unaware that Krishna had personally arranged everything. Narsinh Mehta’s wife, astonished by the abundance, asked where he had acquired all the gold, to which he humbly replied, not fully understanding the divine intervention that had taken place.

Conclusion: The Power of Faith

In the end, Narsinh Mehta realized that Krishna had fulfilled his duties for him, demonstrating that with unwavering faith, the Lord Himself takes care of His devotees’ needs. This story serves as a powerful reminder that even though we may not always see Him, Krishna is always there, ready to help those who have complete faith in Him. When we trust in the Lord with all our hearts, our lives become truly perfect, as He guides and provides in ways beyond our understanding.