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The Envy of Duryodhana

In the great epic of Mahabharata, there existed deep envy between Duryodhana and Bhima, one of the strongest Pandavas. Bhima, with his unmatched strength, would often playfully tease the Kauravas, which only deepened their hatred toward him. Duryodhana, being the most envious of all, constantly sought ways to eliminate Bhima.

One day, Duryodhana devised a cunning plan. He approached his eldest brother, Yudhishthira, and suggested that the Kauravas and Pandavas take a day off from their rigorous training and enjoy a picnic by the riverbank. Yudhishthira, being a person of dharma (righteousness), agreed without suspecting any ill intent. Bhima, known for his love of food, was especially excited about the idea, as Duryodhana promised to prepare a grand feast.

The Poisoned Feast

Duryodhana, knowing Bhima’s appetite, prepared a large amount of prasadam (sanctified food) laced with deadly poison. He offered this food to Bhima with seemingly loving intentions. Bhima, unsuspecting of Duryodhana’s treachery and overcome by hunger, consumed the poisoned food eagerly. Soon after, he lost consciousness.

Duryodhana, determined to ensure Bhima’s death, tied him up with creepers and weighted his body with stones. He then threw Bhima into the Ganges River, confident that even if Bhima survived the poison, the snakes at the river’s bottom would finish the job.

Krishna’s Protection

However, the divine grace of Krishna was always with Bhima. As Bhima lay unconscious at the bottom of the river, the poison from the food reacted with the venom of the snakes that began biting him. Miraculously, the two poisons neutralized each other, and Bhima regained consciousness, free from any harm.

When Bhima awoke, he found himself near the underwater city of Varuna, the god of the ocean. The servants of Varuna recognized Bhima as one of the Pandavas and brought him to Varuna’s court. Varuna, pleased to see Bhima, offered him a powerful elixir that not only restored his strength but made him even stronger than before.

The Return of Bhima

Meanwhile, back on the surface, the Pandavas were worried about Bhima’s whereabouts. Yudhishthira questioned Duryodhana, who deceitfully claimed ignorance, saying that Bhima had gone missing. The Pandavas returned home in despair, fearing the worst. However, to their astonishment, Bhima soon returned, stronger and healthier than ever.

Duryodhana was shocked and terrified. His elaborate plan had not only failed but had backfired, making Bhima even more powerful. This incident reinforced the idea that Krishna’s protection is infallible, and no harm can befall those who are under His shelter.

Lessons to be Learned

  1. The Power of Devotion: No matter how dire the situation, those who take refuge in Krishna are always protected. Bhima’s survival despite the lethal poison and the deadly snakes is a testament to the divine protection granted by Krishna.
  2. The Futility of Envy: Duryodhana’s envy only led to his downfall. His constant scheming against Bhima not only failed but also strengthened Bhima. Envy is a destructive force that ultimately harms the one who harbors it.
  3. Faith in Adversity: The story illustrates that even in the most challenging circumstances, faith in Krishna can turn potential disasters into miraculous events. Bhima’s experience at the bottom of the river shows that what seems like the end can be a new beginning through divine intervention.


O dear Krishna, just as You protected Bhima from the deadly poison and the envious schemes of Duryodhana, please protect us from the poison of envy and the challenges that life presents. Help us to place our faith in You, knowing that with Your grace, no harm can befall us.

Quote from Shastra

“kaunteya pratijānīhi na me bhaktaḥ praṇaśyati” — Bhagavad Gita 9.31

“O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.”

This verse reassures us that those who surrender to Krishna with full faith are always under His protection, just as Bhima was saved from certain death by Krishna’s grace.