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The Story of Sant Tulsidas

Sant Tulsidas was one of the greatest devotees of Lord Ram, known for his deep devotion and the monumental work, the Ramcharitmanas (Ramayana in Hindi). However, before he became a renowned saint, Tulsidas was deeply infatuated with his wife, to the point of obsession.

Once, when his wife went to visit her father’s house, Tulsidas found himself in a state of great distress due to their separation. His attachment to her was so intense that he could not bear the thought of being apart from her, even for a short period.

One stormy night, driven by his overwhelming desire to see his wife, Tulsidas decided to visit her at her father’s house. The journey was fraught with dangers—a swollen river to cross, harsh weather, and darkness. But none of this deterred him. His love was so blind that he swam across the flooded river, braving the storm and heavy rain, determined to reach her.

When he finally arrived at her father’s house, he was faced with another challenge: how to enter the building. He noticed what appeared to be a rod hanging from the balcony and decided to use it to climb up. Without realizing it, he had grabbed hold of a large snake, mistaking it for a rod due to his single-minded focus on reaching his wife.

Miraculously, he climbed up the snake and knocked on the door. His wife, surprised and shocked to see him in such a state, opened the door and questioned him. She pointed out the snake he had climbed, and it dawned on Tulsidas that he had risked his life out of sheer desperation and blind love.

The Turning Point

Seeing her husband’s reckless behavior, Tulsidas’s wife chastised him. She told him that if he could channel the same intensity of love and dedication towards God, particularly towards Lord Ram, he would achieve liberation and true happiness. Her words had a profound impact on Tulsidas. Realizing the folly of his obsessive attachment, he decided to renounce his worldly desires and devote himself entirely to the service of Lord Ram.

From that moment on, Tulsidas dedicated his life to spiritual practices and composed the Ramcharitmanas, a retelling of the Ramayana that has become a sacred text for millions of Hindus, particularly in Northern India.

The Lesson of Austerity

The story of Sant Tulsidas teaches us that we often undergo significant difficulties for the sake of material pleasures or personal attachments. However, true austerity—Tapa—lies in enduring hardships for a higher purpose, such as spiritual growth or devotion to God. Tulsidas’s transformation from a man blinded by attachment to a saint devoted to God is a powerful example of how austerity can lead to spiritual awakening.

Application of Austerity in Life

In our daily lives, we may find ourselves in situations where we must choose between comfort and spiritual growth. Whether it’s attending a spiritual retreat, fasting, or simply dedicating time to prayer and meditation, these are forms of austerity that bring us closer to the divine.

Even simple acts, like eating what is offered without complaint, sharing a cramped space with others during a pilgrimage, or giving up certain luxuries, can be considered Tapa when done with the intention of spiritual advancement. These sacrifices help us detach from the material world and focus on our spiritual journey.


The story of Sant Tulsidas illustrates the power of austerity when directed towards a higher goal. His journey from worldly attachment to spiritual devotion is a reminder that the challenges we face in the pursuit of spiritual growth are not only worthwhile but transformative. By embracing austerity, we open ourselves to the possibility of greater spiritual fulfillment and ultimately, liberation.