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To illustrate the dangers of duplicity, Srila Prabhupada often recounted the story of a young cowherd boy. This boy was responsible for grazing nearly a thousand cows in a forest where tigers were known to attack the cattle. The villagers, concerned for the boy’s safety, instructed him to call for help if a tiger approached. They assured him that they would rush to his aid.

One day, out of curiosity and perhaps a desire to test the villagers, the boy falsely shouted that a tiger was attacking. The villagers, trusting him, left their work and hurried to the forest, only to find no tiger. The boy found the situation amusing and repeated the false alarm after a couple of months. Again, the villagers came running, only to be deceived once more.

After these false alarms, the boy lost his credibility. When a real tiger finally appeared and threatened the cows, the boy shouted for help, but no one came. The villagers, having been deceived before, no longer trusted the boy. As a result, the cows were attacked, and the boy faced the tragic consequences of his duplicity.

The Consequences of Duplicity

This story serves as a powerful reminder that duplicity ultimately leads to the loss of trust and credibility. Once lost, credibility is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to regain. In our spiritual practice and daily interactions, it is essential to be straightforward and honest. Even if we do not seek extra recognition or credit, maintaining the trust of others is crucial. Simplicity and honesty are the foundations upon which this trust is built.

Simplicity, in this context, also means living with bare minimum necessities, focusing on what is truly important, and avoiding unnecessary complications in life. By embracing simplicity and shunning duplicity, we create an environment where spiritual progress can flourish.


In our journey toward spiritual growth, it is imperative to cultivate simplicity and avoid duplicity. Just as the boy in the story lost the trust of the villagers, we too can lose the trust of those around us if we engage in deceitful behavior. Credibility is a precious asset that, once lost, is difficult to recover. Therefore, let us strive to be honest and straightforward in our dealings, building trust and integrity as we progress on the path of spirituality.

A Prayer for Simplicity and Integrity

O Lord,
Help us to cultivate the virtues of simplicity and innocence in our lives.
Grant us the strength to resist the temptations of duplicity and deceit.
May we always act with integrity,
Ensuring that our words and actions are trustworthy.
Guide us to live simply,
Focusing on what is truly essential for our spiritual growth.
Let us learn from the mistakes of those who have lost their credibility,
And may we always strive to maintain the trust of others.
O Lord, lead us on the path of truth and righteousness,
So that we may walk closer to You each day.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.


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