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In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the material world, often neglecting our spiritual duties. The story of Dr. Ansari, as narrated by Srila Prabhupada, serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of prioritizing our spiritual lives and making time for Krishna, no matter how busy we may be.

Dr. Ansari’s Life

Dr. Ansari was a renowned doctor in India, highly respected and regarded almost like a god by those around him. His life was consumed by his medical practice, and he was always busy with patients, surgeries, and other responsibilities. His entire family, including his sons and daughters, were also doctors, and they all shared a similar lifestyle of constant busyness.

As Dr. Ansari grew older, people around him began to suggest that he should start focusing on his spiritual life. They encouraged him to take some time to pray, meditate, and recognize the authority of God. However, Dr. Ansari always had the same response: “I don’t have time.” Despite the reminders and advice from well-wishers, he continued to immerse himself in his work, believing that his responsibilities left no room for spiritual activities.

Krishna’s Reminder

One day, while traveling from Calcutta to Delhi by train, Dr. Ansari experienced a sudden and severe heart attack at Banaras station. In those critical moments, his doctors were not around to help him, and his medications were out of reach. The same man who had always claimed to have no time for God found himself utterly helpless.

Krishna had “caught” Dr. Ansari. Despite all his wealth, status, and medical knowledge, Dr. Ansari was unable to save himself. He had no time to take his medicine, no time to seek help, and, ultimately, no time left in his life.

The Lesson

This story serves as a powerful lesson about the impermanence of life and the importance of prioritizing our spiritual duties. No matter how successful we are in the material world, none of it will accompany us when we leave this life. Our wealth, possessions, and even our closest relationships will stay behind, but the Dharma—the spiritual practices we have performed—will accompany us on our journey beyond this life.

Srila Prabhupada emphasizes that we must organize our lives in such a way that we have time for Krishna. By doing so, we can ensure that our spiritual foundation is strong, even amidst the busyness of life. This involves practicing austerity, maintaining cleanliness, being merciful, and upholding truthfulness—qualities that help us stay focused on our spiritual path.


The story of Dr. Ansari reminds us that time is precious, and we must use it wisely. While it’s important to fulfill our material responsibilities, we should not neglect our spiritual duties. By making time for Krishna and organizing our lives around our spiritual practices, we can live a life of purpose and fulfillment, knowing that we are preparing for the ultimate journey beyond this material world.

A Prayer for Devotion

O Lord Krishna,
Help me to organize my life in such a way
That I always have time for You,
Even amidst the busyness of my worldly duties.
Grant me the wisdom to prioritize my spiritual life,
And the strength to practice austerity, cleanliness, mercy, and truthfulness.
May I never be caught off guard by the impermanence of life,
But instead, live each day with a heart full of devotion.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.