You are currently viewing The Story of Lakshmi Svayamvara – A Devotional Perspective

In the pursuit of spiritual glory and fulfillment, it is essential to align oneself with the path of devotion. As the scriptures say, “Parabhavat avad abodha jato” – until we seek self-realization and dispel ignorance, we are destined to face defeat. The Gopis of Vrindavan exemplified this understanding; they recognized that to avoid defeat and achieve true glory, one must be fully connected to Krishna.

In this connection, the story of Lakshmi Svayamvara offers profound insights. In ancient times, when a bride could choose her groom in a grand ceremony known as Svayamvara, Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, faced such a moment. All the great kings and warriors from across the world arrived, adorned in their finest garments, each hoping to win the favor of the goddess. However, Lakshmi, being the embodiment of divine wisdom, decided that she would marry the one who did not seek her for her wealth and splendor.

As she looked out at the assembly of suitors, she noticed Krishna, who was sitting under a tree, playing his flute, dressed simply and without any adornments. He was not among the eager contenders seated in the limelight, vying for her attention. Krishna, in his humility and detachment, appeared uninterested in the wealth and material prosperity that Lakshmi represented.

Recognizing his true nature, Lakshmi walked past the grand assembly and garlanded Krishna, choosing him as her eternal consort. This act symbolized the divine truth that Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, naturally follows those who are devoted to Narayana (Krishna), not those who chase after wealth for its own sake.

Lessons to Be Learned:

  • True Devotion Over Materialism:
    Lakshmi chose Krishna because he embodied true devotion, not because he sought her for material gain. This teaches us that when we focus on spiritual wealth—our connection to the divine—material prosperity will follow naturally.
  • Detachment and Humility:
    Krishna’s indifference to the grandeur of the Svayamvara shows that true spiritual seekers are not swayed by material allurements. Detachment and humility are key to attracting divine grace.
  • The Inseparability of Lakshmi and Narayana:
    Lakshmi cannot stay without Narayana. This emphasizes that material wealth and prosperity are sustained only when they are in service to the divine.


Oh Lord Krishna,
Guide us to seek you above all else,
To focus our hearts on devotion and not be distracted by material desires.
Just as Lakshmi chose you, may we also choose the path of true devotion,
So that our lives may be filled with spiritual wealth and divine blessings.
May our senses, thoughts, and actions be dedicated to you alone,
And may we find eternal joy in your presence.
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

This story and its lessons remind us that true happiness and fulfillment come from devotion to the divine, not from chasing after material wealth. May we all strive to live a life that is centered on Krishna, where both Lakshmi and Narayana are present in our hearts.