You are currently viewing Story of Vamsi Seth: We Will Get What We Are Destined For

There once lived a Marwari named Vamsi, who was known for his continuous struggle in business. Despite his relentless efforts, success seemed to elude him at every turn. Vamsi tried his hand at various ventures, but none of them yielded any fruitful results. He was always running around, trying to find ways to make his business successful, but nothing seemed to work out.

Finally, Vamsi decided to open a bicycle shop. He bought around ten bicycles on credit and started renting them out while also providing repair services. His business was modest, and Vamsi spent his days sitting under the bicycles, watching the world go by, and wondering why he wasn’t as successful as others.

One afternoon, Vamsi received an unexpected call from the richest Marwari in town. Puzzled and curious, Vamsi wondered why such a wealthy person would want to meet him. Perhaps, he thought, the rich man needed a bicycle repaired.

To his surprise, when Vamsi met the wealthy Marwari, the man informed him that he had decided to adopt Vamsi as his own son. In an instant, Vamsi’s fortunes changed dramatically. From that day onward, Vamsi became Vamsi Seth, inheriting the wealth and status of the richest Marwari in the town.

This sudden turn of events taught Vamsi a profound lesson: no matter how hard we strive, we will only receive what we are destined to have. If something is meant for us, it will come to us, even in our sleep. And if it is not meant for us, no amount of effort will bring it to us.

The lesson here is about the importance of santosh, or satisfaction. True happiness comes not from constantly chasing more wealth or status but from being content with what we have. If we cultivate this sense of satisfaction, our minds will be at peace, free from the turmoil of endless desires.

Moral of the Story:

The story of Vamsi Seth reminds us that while it is important to put in effort and work hard, we must also learn to be content with what we have. There is no need for envy or greed because what is destined for us will come to us, and what is not meant for us will remain out of reach no matter how hard we try. Cultivating satisfaction and contentment is the key to true happiness and peace of mind.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita Reference:

This story aligns with the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, where Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to perform his duties without attachment to the results. The outcome of our efforts is ultimately in the hands of Krishna, and we must learn to accept and be content with whatever comes our way, as it is a part of our destiny.


  1. Satisfaction (Santosh) Brings Peace: Real happiness comes from being content with what we have rather than constantly chasing more.
  2. Destiny Controls Our Lives: What we are meant to have will come to us, regardless of our efforts, and what is not meant for us will remain beyond our reach.
  3. Avoid Envy and Greed: These emotions disturb our peace of mind and prevent us from appreciating the blessings we already have.


“Dear Lord Krishna, please help me cultivate a sense of satisfaction and contentment in my life. Let me accept with grace what You have destined for me, and guide me to perform my duties without attachment to the results. May I always remain grateful for the blessings I have and avoid the traps of envy and greed. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”

Note: It is important to share such moral and instructive stories to benefit others by reminding them of the wisdom in Krishna’s teachings.