You are currently viewing The Tale of Two Disciples: The Importance of Devotion and Respect in the Life of Srila Madhavendra Puri


Srila Madhavendra Puri was an exalted devotee of Lord Krishna and the spiritual master of many great Vaishnavas, including Sri Isvara Puri, who would later become the guru of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Among his initiated disciples were Sri Ramachandra Puri and Sri Isvara Puri. Their contrasting fates reveal the critical importance of devotion, respect, and understanding the deep spiritual emotions of one’s guru.

The Incident

Sri Ramachandra Puri, though initiated by Srila Madhavendra Puri, failed to grasp the profound spiritual mood of his guru. When Srila Madhavendra Puri was in a state of deep separation from Lord Krishna, yearning for the divine love and presence of the Lord, Sri Ramachandra Puri could not appreciate the depth of this emotion. Instead, he tried to console his guru with dry philosophical advice, urging him to remember his spiritual identity as a soul, separate from material suffering.

This misunderstanding and lack of sensitivity greatly angered Srila Madhavendra Puri. In his distress, he harshly rebuked Sri Ramachandra Puri, saying, “Get away from me, you most sinful rascal! I am dying from the distress of not having received Sri Krishna’s mercy, of not having attained Mathura, and you come to add to my misery! Go wherever you like, but don’t show your face to me again! If I see you while I am dying I will take a lower birth. I am dying from the distress of not having attained Sri Krishna and this lowly fool is teaching me about Brahma.”

As a result of his offense, Srila Madhavendra Puri withdrew his blessings from Sri Ramachandra Puri. Deprived of his guru’s mercy, Sri Ramachandra Puri began to develop material desires, losing interest in devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He became a dry philosopher, obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge and developed a critical nature, always finding faults in others, including great devotees.

The Blessings of Devotion: Sri Isvara Puri

In stark contrast, Sri Isvara Puri served Srila Madhavendra Puri with utmost devotion and humility. He not only adhered to his guru’s teachings but also personally attended to his guru’s physical needs, even performing menial tasks such as cleaning. He continuously chanted the holy name of Sri Krishna and narrated the pastimes of the Lord to his guru, deeply pleasing Srila Madhavendra Puri.

Srila Madhavendra Puri was so moved by Sri Isvara Puri’s service that he blessed him, saying, “May you have the wealth of love for Sri Krishna!” As a result of this blessing, Sri Isvara Puri became an ocean of love for Sri Krishna, fully immersed in the ecstasy of divine love.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Respect and Understanding of Spiritual Emotions: Sri Ramachandra Puri’s downfall teaches us the importance of respecting and understanding the spiritual emotions and state of our spiritual master. Failure to do so can lead to severe consequences, including the loss of the guru’s mercy.
  2. The Power of Devotion and Service: Sri Isvara Puri’s exemplary devotion and service to his guru earned him the ultimate blessing—pure love for Krishna. This demonstrates the transformative power of selfless service and devotion in spiritual life.
  3. The Danger of Offense: The story of Sri Ramachandra Puri illustrates how offending a great devotee can lead to spiritual degradation. It is a cautionary tale about the importance of humility and reverence in our dealings with others, especially with our spiritual mentors.
  4. The Blessings of a Great Soul: Pleasing a great soul like Srila Madhavendra Puri can lead to immense spiritual wealth, while displeasing such a person can result in spiritual poverty. The contrasting destinies of Sri Isvara Puri and Sri Ramachandra Puri serve as powerful reminders of this truth.


O Lord Krishna,
Grant me the humility and devotion of Sri Isvara Puri,
That I may serve my spiritual master with love and reverence.
Keep me free from the pride and offenses that lead to spiritual downfall.
May I always seek the blessings of great souls,
And remain immersed in the ocean of Your divine love.