You are currently viewing Shri Koorath Azhvan (Kooresha)

Birth and Early Life:

 Shri Kuresha, also known as Kooresha, was born in the village of Kooram near Kanchi in the year 1008 A.D. His parents, who were immensely wealthy, named him Shri Vatsangar. Due to his association with his native village, he was affectionately called Kooranaatha or Kooresha.

Initiation into Shri Vaishnavam: 

Upon learning that Shri Ramanuja had embraced the monastic order, Kooresha and his companion Dasarathi rejoiced and made their way to Kanchi. There, they were initiated into Shri Vaishnavam by Shri Ramanuja through the sacred ritual of Pancha-samskaram. Kooresha and Dasarathi were among the first disciples of Ramanuja, and it is believed that they were incarnations of the divine symbols of Lord Vishnu, with Dasarathi representing the Conch and Kooresha the Discus.

Life in Kooram:

 After spending some time studying under Shri Ramanuja, Kooresha returned to his village of Kooram. He lived a life of great generosity, using his immense wealth to feed and clothe anyone who sought his assistance. His mansion’s doors remained open until the doors of the Kanchi Varadaraja Perumal Temple closed each day, ensuring that no one in need was turned away.

A Divine Prompting:

 One day, the doors of Kooresha’s mansion closed earlier than usual. The next day, Kanchi Poorna, a revered devotee, visited him and inquired about this unusual occurrence. He conveyed that it was the Lord’s wish to receive an answer from Kooresha regarding this change. Upon hearing that the noise from his mansion’s doors disturbed Lord Varadaraja, Kooresha decided to renounce all his possessions and join Shri Ramanuja in Shri Rangam.

Journey to Shri Rangam:

 Kooresha and his devoted wife, Andaal, embarked on a journey to Shri Rangam, traveling through a dense forest. Andaal, unused to such hardships, expressed concern about the safety of their path. Kooresha assured her that they had nothing to fear as long as they carried nothing of value. When Andaal revealed that she had brought a small gold cup to fetch water for him, Kooresha immediately discarded it, declaring that they were now free from any attachment that might cause fear. Upon their arrival at Shri Rangam, they were warmly welcomed by Shri Ramanuja, and the couple made Shri Rangam their new home.

Service to Ramanuja:

 Kooresha played a crucial role in assisting Shri Ramanuja in composing the Shri Bhasya, a commentary on the Brahma-sutras. He accompanied Ramanuja to Kashmir to study the Bodhayana-vriti, a gloss on the Brahma-sutras, which was available only in that region. When the authorities refused to allow Ramanuja to take the manuscript with him, Kooresha memorized the entire text. He later recited it to Ramanuja, enabling the composition of the Shri Bhasya.

Sacrifice for Ramanuja: 

When the Chola king Kulottunka summoned Shri Ramanuja to his court, demanding that he acknowledge the supremacy of Shiva, Kooresha feared for Ramanuja’s life. He persuaded Ramanuja to switch robes with him and presented himself before the king in Ramanuja’s ascetic attire. Kooresha, unable to convince the king of Lord Vishnu’s supremacy, was blinded as punishment. Despite this, his devotion was so profound that he could still visualize and describe the divine form of Lord Varadaraja to Ramanuja.

Family and Writings:

 Kooresha and Andaal were blessed with two sons, Parashara Bhattar and Vedavyasa Bhattar, who became renowned scholars of their time. Kooresha himself was a prolific writer, composing five devotional poems collectively known as Panchasthavam. These include:

  • Shri Vaikuntha Stava
  • Shri Atimaanusa Stava
  • Shri Sundarabaahu Stava
  • Shri Varadaraaja Stava
  • Shri Stava

Reflections on Kooresha’s Life:

Kooresha’s life is a testament to unwavering devotion, selflessness, and sacrifice. His journey from a wealthy householder to a renounced and devoted disciple of Shri Ramanuja exemplifies the transformative power of surrender to God. Despite facing extreme adversity, including the loss of his eyesight, Kooresha’s faith never wavered. His deep love for the Lord and his guru, Shri Ramanuja, shines through in his writings and his actions, making him a revered figure in the Shri Vaishnava tradition.

Moral of the Story:

Kooresha’s life teaches us the importance of humility, self-sacrifice, and unwavering devotion to God and guru. His willingness to give up everything, including his wealth and even his eyesight, for the sake of his spiritual beliefs and his dedication to Shri Ramanuja, serves as a powerful example of true devotion.


“O Lord Varadaraja, just as You guided and protected Kooresha in his path of devotion, please guide us in our spiritual journey. Grant us the strength to surrender fully to You, to serve You and Your devotees with love and humility, and to remain steadfast in our faith, no matter the challenges we may face.”