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Bābājī Mahārāja’s Unyielding Stand on Siddhānta and Rasābhāsa
Śrīla Jagannātha dāsa Bābājī Mahārāja had zero tolerance for anything that deviated even slightly from proper siddhānta (philosophical conclusions) or that was characterized by rasābhāsa (improper mixing of devotional mellows). He strongly believed that simply claiming to be a disciple of a great personality does not make one a true disciple. Those who lack the proper character, mindset, or the humility to fully accept the chastisement and authority of the guru are only disciples in name.

Intolerance of Arrogance and False Preaching
Bābājī Mahārāja was particularly angered by those who, with the arrogant self-conception of being his followers, failed to genuinely embody or preach the teachings of Śrī Rūpa and Raghunātha. He could not stand their independent nature, which he saw as a betrayal of true discipleship.

Chasing Away Rasābhāsa
On one occasion, a well-known so-called Bābājī and his group came near Bābājī Mahārāja’s hut, singing a speculative and imaginary song, “nitaī-gaura-rādhe-śyāma,” which was full of the fault of rasābhāsa. Enraged by this, Bābājī Mahārāja grabbed a stick and shouted, “Forbid them from coming this way! Chase them away.” The force of his conviction was so strong that no one dared to approach.

Lesson to be Learned:

True spiritual adherence requires a strict commitment to proper philosophical conclusions and the purity of devotional expressions. Mere affiliation with a great personality does not suffice; one must genuinely embody the teachings and maintain the integrity of the tradition. Deviations, especially those that mix incompatible devotional moods, must be avoided and actively opposed.


O Lord, protect me from arrogance and the temptation to deviate from true teachings. Help me to remain steadfast in following the pure path of devotion as taught by the great ācāryas. May I always maintain the integrity of my practices and teachings, never allowing myself to be swayed by improper interpretations or speculative deviations.