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The Duty of Serving Uninvited Guests

In Vedic culture, the duty of a householder is to serve not only invited guests but also those who arrive unexpectedly. This duty is exemplified in the life of Ranti Dev, a king renowned for his selflessness and deep compassion. Ranti Dev saw everything as the property of Krishna and recognized Krishna in the heart of every living being. Thus, he was always eager to share whatever he had with others, seeing it as a service to the Lord.

Ranti Dev’s Fasting and the Arrival of Guests

One day, Ranti Dev and his family went to the forest and undertook a 48-day fast for the welfare of their kingdom and for the pleasure of Krishna. At the end of the fast, they were on the verge of death due to hunger and thirst. Just as they were about to break their fast with the food and water that had been brought to them, a Brahmana (a learned man) appeared at their door. Ranti Dev, seeing Krishna in the heart of the Brahmana, invited him in and fed him to his full satisfaction, despite his own dire condition.

After the Brahmana left, Ranti Dev and his family sat down again to eat. At that moment, a Sudra (a man of a lower caste) appeared. Without hesitation, Ranti Dev offered the Sudra all the remaining food, ensuring that he and his family were fully satisfied.

The Final Test: The Chandala and the Water

With no food left, the only thing remaining was a small amount of water, just enough to keep Ranti Dev alive. As he was about to drink it, a Chandala (a person from the lowest caste) appeared, pleading for water as he was dying of thirst. Ranti Dev, moved by compassion, looked at the Chandala and decided to give him the water, even though it meant sacrificing his own life.

Ranti Dev prayed to God, expressing his deep desire to alleviate the suffering of others. He did not seek mystical powers, liberation, or any material benefits. His only wish was to remain in this world to endure difficulties on behalf of others, so that they could be free from suffering.

The Revelation of the Devas

As Ranti Dev gave the last of the water to the Chandala, the Chandala, along with the Brahmana, the Sudra, and the dogs that had appeared earlier, transformed into Brahma, Shiva, and other devas (demigods). They had come to test Ranti Dev’s compassion and integrity. Seeing his selflessness and unwavering devotion, they offered him many benedictions.

However, Ranti Dev was not swayed by their offers. He fixed his mind exclusively on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. He did not desire any material blessings or powers; his heart was solely devoted to serving the Lord and others. Because of his pure consciousness and compassionate nature, Krishna blessed him abundantly.

Lessons to Be Learned from Ranti Dev’s Life

  1. The Sacred Duty of Hospitality:
    • The story of Ranti Dev teaches us the importance of serving others, especially uninvited guests, with respect, love, and compassion. Hospitality is not just a social obligation but a spiritual duty that brings us closer to God.
  2. Seeing God in Every Living Being:
    • Ranti Dev’s life exemplifies the practice of seeing Krishna in the heart of every living being. By serving others, we are, in essence, serving God Himself.
  3. The Power of Selflessness:
    • Ranti Dev’s willingness to sacrifice his own life for the well-being of others highlights the power of selflessness. True compassion means prioritizing the needs of others, even at great personal cost.
  4. Devotion Beyond Material Desires:
    • Despite being offered great powers and blessings, Ranti Dev remained focused on his devotion to Krishna, refusing any material gains. His story reminds us that the ultimate goal of life is to seek spiritual fulfillment rather than temporary material benefits.

Prayer for Compassion and Devotion

O Supreme Lord Krishna, the source of all creation, We bow before You, seeking Your guidance and mercy.

May we, like Ranti Dev, see You in the hearts of all living beings, And serve them with love, respect, and selflessness.

O Lord, grant us the strength to remain devoted to You, Even in the face of difficulties and temptations.

May our hearts be filled with compassion, And may we always prioritize the well-being of others over our own.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Om Tat Sat.