You are currently viewing Raghunathdas Goswami’s Supreme Renunciation and Devotion

Raghunathdas Goswami’s Renunciation:

Raghunathdas Goswami is the epitome of renunciation, embodying the highest level of detachment that the world has ever witnessed. Born into immense wealth and privilege, he had a wife who was more beautiful than an angel, a palatial estate, and thousands of servants at his disposal. He was respected, powerful, and popular. Yet, none of these material comforts attracted him. In fact, his entire goal in life was to escape from this opulent lifestyle to pursue a life dedicated to spiritual realization.

Raghunathdas did not leave his wealth and comforts on a whim. For years, he meticulously planned his escape, waiting for the right moment to leave everything behind and dedicate himself fully to Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. When the time finally came, he fled from his material possessions and family and sought refuge at the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Upon reaching Lord Chaitanya, who was the crest jewel of all renunciants, Raghunathdas Goswami’s renunciation was fully displayed. Lord Chaitanya remarked that all the material opulence Raghunathdas had left behind was nothing but a place where people pass stool. Such is the vision of a true renunciant—unaffected by material wealth, neither charmed by it nor disgusted by it.

Raghunathdas Goswami’s Austerity:

Raghunathdas did not just give up wealth; he embraced the simplest life imaginable. He abandoned his fine clothes and would collect discarded cloth from the streets, cloth that even the poorest beggars had rejected. His lifestyle was one of extreme austerity, even in the matter of food.

One time, the prasadam (sanctified food) of Lord Jagannath that was no longer fit to be sold in the shops was thrown into a pile near the Simha Dwaram gate. Cows would eat the palatable parts and spit out what they found unworthy. Raghunathdas would wait until nightfall, after the cows had eaten, and then collect what they had spat out. He would wash this discarded food, extract the inner part, and sustain himself on that.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, hearing about this, visited Raghunathdas. Pretending not to know, He asked Raghunath, “What are you eating?” Raghunath tried to hide the truth, but Lord Chaitanya, knowing everything, took the pot of prasadam that Raghunath had been eating and tasted it. Despite the simplicity and apparent unpalatability of the food, the Lord declared that He had never tasted anything as delicious as what Raghunathdas was eating.

Lord Chaitanya’s Love for Raghunathdas Goswami:

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s heart was deeply touched by the renunciation of Raghunathdas Goswami. It is said that the Lord takes immense pleasure in seeing the genuine renunciation and devotion of His devotees. Raghunath’s life was a testament to this, as he had not only renounced the material world but had also embraced the most austere life possible, all in the service of the Lord.

Raghunathdas Goswami’s Attachment to the Vaishnavas:

Despite his extreme renunciation, Raghunathdas Goswami was deeply attached to the Vaishnavas, the devotees of the Lord. After Lord Chaitanya and Srila Swarup Damodar Goswami left this world, Raghunathdas was inconsolable. He wept and cried in an ocean of separation, unable to bear the loss of such divine association.

He decided that life without their company was unbearable, and he resolved to end his life by jumping from Govardhan Hill. He walked from Vrindavan to Govardhan, intending to carry out his plan. However, when he reached the hill and met with Rupa Goswami and Sanatan Goswami, they forbade him from taking his life. Instead, they encouraged him to stay and share the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya with them.

Raghunathdas accepted their request and began residing at the sacred Radha Kunda, where he would daily narrate the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya for several hours. The other Goswamis would gather to listen with great eagerness, and a deep spiritual bond developed among them.

The Deep Attachment Among the Devotees:

The love among the devotees was so deep that when Rupa Goswami and Sanatan Goswami left the world, Raghunathdas Goswami was plunged into an ocean of grief. He wept year after year in separation from them, demonstrating the profound attachment he had to his spiritual companions.

This attachment to the devotees is a core aspect of spiritual life. It is not merely about renouncing the world but about cultivating deep, loving relationships with those who are also dedicated to serving the Lord. Narottam Das Thakur, a successor in this line of great Vaishnavas, beautifully expressed this sentiment in his songs, lamenting the absence of such pure devotees and the pain of separation from them.


Raghunathdas Goswami’s life teaches us the essence of true renunciation and devotion. He showed that real detachment from the world comes not just from giving up material possessions but from developing a deep attachment to the Lord and His devotees. His austerities, done in complete secrecy and humility, were not for fame but for the genuine pleasure of the Lord. His life also exemplifies the importance of association with pure devotees, as this association is the key to cultivating and sustaining one’s spiritual life.


“O Lord Chaitanya, just as You showered Your mercy upon Raghunathdas Goswami for his unparalleled renunciation and devotion, please bless us with the strength to detach from the material world and attach our hearts solely to Your divine service and the association of Your pure devotees. Let us live and die in the loving service of You and Your devotees.”