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The Friendship of Lota Baba and Krishna
There are a few stories that explain the significance and importance of the temple at Pooṅchhari Ka Lautha. One such story involves Lota Baba, a dear friend of Lord Krishna. Once, while playing a game of hide and seek, it was Krishna’s turn to find his friend, Lota Baba. Lota Baba hid himself in Pooṅchhari, a secluded spot on Goverdhan Hill. As Krishna set off to find his friend, He was distracted by His cowherd companions who called Him to join their play. Krishna became so absorbed in playing with His friends that He forgot about Lota Baba, who continued to wait for Him. Lota Baba, with unwavering devotion, spent his entire life in the mood of separation, waiting for Krishna to come and find him.

Krishna and Balarama’s Departure
Another version of the story behind Pooṅchhari Ka Lautha tells of a day when Krishna and His brother Balarama decided to visit Goverdhan to play with Lota Baba. However, on that very day, Akrura, a minister from the kingdom of Mathura, arrived to take Krishna and Balarama to Mathura. There, Krishna was destined to kill His demon uncle, Kamsa, and liberate the residents of Mathura from his tyranny. Lota Baba, unaware of the unfolding events, waited at Pooṅchhari, believing that Krishna would return to play with him. Days turned into weeks, weeks into years, but Krishna did not return. Lota Baba, filled with deep love and devotion, spent the rest of his life waiting for his beloved Lord.

Lesson to be Learned:

The story of Lota Baba teaches us the profound depth of devotion and the mood of separation. Lota Baba’s unwavering faith and endless patience, even when Krishna did not return, highlight the virtues of perseverance and devotion. His story reminds us that true devotion often involves waiting and longing, and that love for the Lord transcends time and circumstances.


Dear Lord Krishna, grant us the steadfast devotion of Lota Baba. Help us to remain patient and unwavering in our faith, even when we feel distant from You. May we always be devoted to You, with hearts full of love and longing. Let our lives be a testament to the power of devotion, and may we always find joy in serving You, no matter the circumstances.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.