A Tale from the Padma Purana
The story of Siva Khari is narrated in the Padma Purana, Vrindavana Mahatmya. It tells of a profound act of compassion by Srimati Radharani, the eternal consort of Lord Krishna and the queen of Vrindavana.
The Jackal’s Plight
Once, a female jackal was quenching her thirst by drinking water from a kunda (pond) in the area known as Radha Kunda, a place beloved by Srimati Radharani. As the jackal drank peacefully, a group of mischievous children approached and began beating her with sticks. Terrified, the jackal ran for cover and hid in a nearby fox hole. However, the children, determined to catch her, built a fire in front of the hole, leaving the jackal with no way to escape.
Srimati Radharani’s Compassion
At that very moment, Srimati Radharani was passing by and heard the desperate cries of the jackal. Filled with compassion, she immediately intervened. Radharani, who is known for her boundless kindness, declared, “No one should be distressed in my favorite place,” referring to the sacred area of Radha Kunda.
Radharani’s Blessing
Radharani then instructed some gopis (her companions) to chase away the children and bring the jackal to her. The gopis quickly dispersed the children and brought the frightened jackal to Srimati Radharani. The jackal, overwhelmed with gratitude and fear, fell at Radharani’s feet, crying for mercy. Moved by the jackal’s plea, Srimati Radharani patted the creature gently and blessed her with eternal service, assuring the jackal of her protection and care.
Lesson to be Learned:
The story of Siva Khari highlights the infinite compassion of Srimati Radharani, who embodies the essence of mercy and kindness. It teaches us that in the presence of true compassion, no living being, however insignificant or troubled, should suffer. It also reminds us of the importance of protecting and caring for all creatures, recognizing that they too are part of the divine creation and deserve kindness and respect.
O Srimati Radharani, Queen of Vrindavana, please bless us with the same compassion that you showed to the helpless jackal. Help us to be kind and merciful to all living beings, seeing them as your beloved creations. May we always remember your divine qualities and strive to serve you with love and devotion.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.