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The Prayer of Lord Shiva

Rudravan is a special forest, steeped in deep spiritual significance. The Acharyas recount a profound event that took place here: Lord Shiva, in deep meditation, fervently prayed to the Divine couple, Radha and Krishna. With great humility and compassion, Shiva called out to them, saying, “O abodes of mercy, please be kind to the wayward souls and drive away their fears with the gift of pure devotion to You.” He prayed earnestly for Krishna to remove all fears and grant devotion to all beings.

As he offered this prayer, tears of compassion streamed down Lord Shiva’s eyes. The Acharya described these tears as powerful streams, much like the river Ganges, which flows from the matted locks of Shiva’s hair onto the peaks of the Himalayas. These tears formed a lake in Rudravan, known as Rudrakunda or Rudankunda.

The Tears of the Gopis

But the lake was not only filled with the tears of Lord Shiva. Once, the gopis, deeply yearning for Krishna, came to Govardhan Hill, expecting to see Him herding His cows. However, upon learning that He was far away on the banks of the Yamuna, they were heartbroken. Overcome with sorrow, the gopis ran to Rudrakunda, where they wept so profusely that their tears caused the kund to overflow, washing their faces in the process.

Thus, Rudrakunda is a sacred reservoir not only of Lord Shiva’s tears but also of the gopis’ tears, shed in their profound separation from Krishna. The water in this kunda is mingled with the dust and cool stones of the sacred land, making it a place of great purification for anyone who visits.

The Tears of the Vrajabhasis

The glory of Rudrakunda does not end there. When Krishna and Balarama were on their way to Mathura with Akrura in the chariot, at the invitation of King Kamsa, many Vrajabhasis followed them. Unable to bear the thought of Krishna leaving, they followed until they could walk no further. They then sat on the banks of Rudrakunda and cried in deep separation from Krishna. Their tears, too, merged with those of Lord Shiva and the gopis, further sanctifying the kunda.

Rudrakunda, therefore, is made up of the tears of the Vrajabhasis, the gopis, and Lord Shiva, mixed with the dust of the sacred land. This is not just a place from 5,000 years ago; it remains a transcendent, mystical site where the water still holds the tears of these great souls.

Joyful Pastimes at Rudrakunda

While the tales of Rudrakunda often speak of separation and sorrow, there are also joyful pastimes associated with this sacred place. The Acharyas describe that the waters of Rudrakunda are deep and clear, making it an ideal spot for bathing. It was a favorite place for Krishna and His cowherd friends.

Sometimes, while herding cows in different parts of Vrindavan, Krishna would sneak away to meet Radharani at Rudrakunda. Together, they would enjoy delightful pastimes in the waters, which were always filled with aromatic blossoming lotus flowers. They would swim together to the middle of the lake, where Krishna, ever playful, would swim away, leaving Radharani, who was not a strong swimmer, to desperately tread water and call out to Him for help. Krishna, enjoying the sight of Radharani in her helpless state, would then come to her rescue, and she would cling tightly to His neck for safety.

Rudrakunda as Giriraja’s Anger

Interestingly, the scriptures also mention that Rudrakunda is the embodiment of Giriraja Govardhan’s anger. This anger is directed towards those who fail to attend the Anukuta ceremony, where Giriraja is worshiped, or those who claim that Krishna’s form is an illusion. The serpents that ornament Lord Shiva’s body become furious with such people, biting them with the venom of misfortune and false doctrines, leading them astray.

The Significance of Lord Shiva

These stories highlight not only the glories of Rudrakunda but also the importance of Lord Shiva in our spiritual lives. Through his Vrindavan pastimes, we gain insight into his deep love and devotion for Krishna. By understanding the significance of Lord Shiva, we realize that he plays a crucial role in helping us attain residence in Vrindavan. His prayers and his heart, as revealed in the scriptures, show his profound love for Krishna and his dedication to the service of the Lord.

Lesson to be Learned:

The story of Rudrakunda teaches us the profound power of devotion, compassion, and humility. The tears of separation shed by Lord Shiva, the gopis, and the Vrajabhasis serve as a reminder of the intense love and longing that pure devotees have for Krishna. It also underscores the significance of humility in our spiritual journey. Lord Shiva, despite his great power, humbly prays for the welfare of all souls, showing us the path of true devotion.


O Lord Harideva, O merciful Radha and Krishna, just as You responded to the tears and prayers of Your devoted servants, please grant us the humility and devotion needed to approach You with a pure heart. May we always remember the sacrifices and love of Your devotees, and may we be blessed with the opportunity to serve You in Vrindavan, where Your divine pastimes continue eternally.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Adopted form a lecture of Indradyumna Swami