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A Young Boy’s Aspirations

One day, a young boy from a wealthy family ran away from home and sought refuge with Babaji Maharaja. He approached Babaji Maharaja and expressed his desire, saying, “I want to stay with you and just do bhajana.” Babaji Maharaja did not respond, but the boy decided to stay with him anyway. He began serving Babaji Maharaja by bringing him water and performing other small tasks, and soon started telling people, “I am a disciple of Babaji Maharaja.” However, in reality, Babaji Maharaja had no disciples other than Prabhupada.

Disillusionment and Return to Material Life

The boy stayed with Babaji Maharaja for some time but did not achieve the spiritual fulfillment he had expected. Feeling disillusioned, he thought, “I should return to material life.” This is not uncommon; many people go to live in a matha, stay for a few months, and then return to material life, getting married and becoming engrossed in household duties. Some men even leave the renounced life after ten or twenty years because they still desire worldly things—wealth, women, and prestige. Although they claim to have left home to engage in bhajana, their true intentions are often rooted in material gain.

The Boy’s Return

After leaving Babaji Maharaja, the boy returned about two weeks later, but this time with a beautiful young girl from a wealthy family whom he had married. He offered pranama (respectful obeisance) to Babaji Maharaja and said, “Babaji Maharaja, I have entered samsara, the material world. Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written in his Gitavali: ‘Krishnera samsara kara chadi’ anacara’—we should give up our offenses and perform bhajana as family men.’ Therefore, I have collected a Krishna-dasi. Please be merciful to her and to me also, so we can engage in bhajana and have a successful material life as well.”

Babaji Maharaja’s Response

Babaji Maharaja replied, “You have done so well! I am so pleased! You have collected one Krishna-dasi? Then you should do one thing: you should offer puja to this Krishna-dasi. Every day you should cook an offering for her, offer her pranama and some flowers, saying, ‘You are a Krishna-dasi and very dear to Shri Krishna.’ But beware: don’t try to enjoy her, otherwise, everything will be destroyed for you and you will descend into hell! Beware—don’t try to enjoy her!”

The Boy’s Astonishment

Hearing Babaji Maharaja’s words, the boy was astonished and left speechless. Frightened, he quickly called his “Krishna-dasi” and left. It became clear to him that deceiving Babaji Maharaja was impossible.

Lessons to be Learned:

  1. Sincerity in Spiritual Life: The story illustrates the importance of sincere intentions in spiritual life. True devotion cannot be mixed with desires for material gain.
  2. The Danger of Deception: Babaji Maharaja’s response shows that spiritual teachers can see through deceit, and attempting to deceive them leads only to one’s downfall.
  3. The Role of Renunciation: The boy’s initial desire to renounce worldly life was overshadowed by his attachment to material pleasures. Babaji Maharaja’s advice highlights the importance of true renunciation in spiritual practice.
  4. Respecting Spiritual Commitments: Babaji Maharaja’s warning about not enjoying the “Krishna-dasi” reminds us that spiritual commitments should be taken seriously, and exploiting them for personal gain leads to spiritual degradation.


O Lord, grant us the sincerity to pursue spiritual life with pure intentions and the wisdom to avoid the pitfalls of material desires. May we approach our spiritual guides with honesty and humility, seeking only to serve You and Your devotees. Protect us from the temptations of worldly pleasures, and help us remain steadfast in our commitment to You.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare