You are currently viewing Babaji Maharaja’s Mystical Journey to Mayapur

Babaji Maharaja’s Arrival in Mayapur

One early morning at two o’clock, Babaji Maharaja arrived alone at Sri Mayapur’s sacred Yoga-Pitha. Later that day, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, astonished by his spiritual master’s unexpected arrival, inquired with great curiosity:

“When did you arrive, Gurudeva?”

Babaji Maharaja simply replied:

“I arrived at about two this morning.”

The Mysterious Guide

Still amazed, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta asked:

“Who brought you here last night? How did you find someone to show you the path?”

Babaji Maharaja humbly responded:

“Oh, someone showed me the proper way.”

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, knowing the limitations of his guru’s physical sight, pressed further:

“Externally, you appear to be blind. If someone had not brought you that long distance by hand, then how could you have come? Was it Krishna who brought you here last night?”

The Divine Confluence

Babaji Maharaja responded with a gentle smile, revealing nothing more. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, recognizing the depth of his spiritual master’s connection with the divine, understood the profound implication of Babaji Maharaja’s words.

During that time, there were no footpaths from Kuliya on the opposite side of the Ganges to Mayapur, nor were there any landing places for boats. The journey across the river, especially in the dead of night, seemed impossible without divine intervention. Once more, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta inquired:

“Who could have brought you across the river in the dead of night?”

With the same amused demeanor, Babaji Maharaja replied:

“One person took me across the river.”

The Realization

It was then that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta realized that the guide who brought Babaji Maharaja to Mayapur was none other than Lord Krishna Himself, the beloved son of Nanda Maharaja.

Lesson to be Learned

This story illustrates the deep, mystical connection between a pure devotee and the Supreme Lord. It serves as a reminder that those who surrender completely to Krishna are never alone—Krishna personally guides and protects them, even in the most challenging circumstances.


“O Lord Krishna, just as You guided Babaji Maharaja through the darkness, guide me through the uncertainties of life. May I develop the same unwavering faith and surrender that draws Your divine presence into my life. Help me always to trust in Your protection and to remember that You are the ultimate guide in all my journeys. Hare Krishna.”