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A Devotee’s Desire

One day, a young doctor, eager to stay in the sacred land of Navadvipa and serve the Lord, approached Srila Gaurakisora with his plans. The doctor had arranged to live in the holy dhama as a physician, treating the sick and begging from the residents to buy medicine. His intention was to provide free medical treatment as an act of devotion while performing his bhajan. He believed that by doing so, he would be rendering the highest welfare activity for the community. To confirm his plans, he sought the advice of Srila Gaurakisora and quoted verses from the Caitanya-caritamrta that described the noble deeds of Murari Gupta.

Srila Gaurakisora’s Response

Srila Gaurakisora, understanding the doctor’s restless nature and underlying motives, made his thoughts clear. He explained that Murari Gupta, an eternal associate of Lord Chaitanya, lived purely in the transcendental world of Navadvipa Dhama. Murari Gupta did not live in the holy dhama with any intention of materially benefiting himself or his family. He did not earn money to support his life in the dhama or accept charity from others. Instead, his life was a direct embodiment of love for God, and through his pure devotion, those he treated were not only cured of physical ailments but also received the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

The True Purpose of Devotion

Srila Gaurakisora warned the doctor that merely imitating the activities of a great devotee like Murari Gupta for personal gain would result in suffering and bondage. He stressed that the doctor himself was still entangled in the material world and could not properly cure others without first purifying his own heart. Srila Gaurakisora advised the doctor to sincerely pray for the mercy of Murari Gupta and to understand the true purpose of devotion, which is to chant the holy names of Lord Krishna with a pure heart.

A Change of Heart

Realizing the weight of Srila Gaurakisora’s words, the doctor asked, “Then what is my duty?” Srila Gaurakisora replied that if the doctor truly wished to live in the holy dhama, he must first give up his current plans and the misconception that providing free medical treatment would favor his worship. Any service or religious practice not connected with saintly persons truly engaged in bhajan would lead to further material bondage. Srila Gaurakisora advised him to return home, chant the Holy Name, and maintain his livelihood honestly. He warned the doctor against deceitfully maintaining himself in the holy abode of Navadvipa through clever means.

Lesson to be Learned

This story highlights the importance of sincerity and purity in devotional service. It teaches that true devotion cannot be mixed with material desires or ulterior motives. The path to spiritual advancement lies in honest and selfless service, and one must carefully examine their intentions to ensure they align with the principles of pure bhakti.


“O Lord Krishna, please guide me to serve You with a pure heart, free from material desires. Grant me the wisdom to recognize my true duty and the strength to surrender fully to Your will. May I always chant Your holy names with sincerity and seek the association of saintly persons who are dedicated to Your service. Protect me from the pitfalls of pride and false intentions, and allow me to live a life of true devotion. Hare Krishna.”