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The Thakur’s Request

In 1908, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, feeling the call to renounce household life, sought initiation into the renounced order from Srila Gaurakisora Das Babaji Maharaj. One day, the Thakur followed Babaji Maharaj from his home in Godrumadvipa to the boat ghata, where Babaji Maharaj would cross the Ganges to Navadvipa. As they walked, the Thakur repeatedly requested Babaji Maharaj to initiate him into the life of a babaji, a renounced ascetic.

Babaji Maharaj’s Humility

Babaji Maharaj, seeing himself as unworthy and regarding the Thakur as his spiritual superior, humbly refused to take on the role of the Thakur’s vesa guru, the one who gives the renounced order. Despite the Thakur’s persistence, Babaji Maharaj maintained his stance, considering himself too fallen to initiate someone he revered so deeply.

A Humble Disguise

Realizing the Thakur’s determination, Babaji Maharaj, by mystic intuition, sensed that the Thakur would continue his pursuit in Navadvipa. To avoid him, Babaji Maharaj went to a place where he believed the Thakur would never look—a known prostitute’s house near a marketplace in Navadvipa. He reasoned that this was the one place the Thakur would not enter, thus ensuring he could avoid the request.

The Thakur’s Understanding

When the Thakur couldn’t find Babaji Maharaj, he understood the situation and, respecting Babaji Maharaj’s discomfort, returned to Godruma. Meanwhile, Babaji Maharaj, having successfully avoided the Thakur, went to the Radha-ramana Gardens and laughed heartily, pleased with his success in outwitting the Thakur. When asked by a devotee why he was laughing, Babaji Maharaj explained that he had avoided the Thakur by hiding in the least expected place.

The Thakur’s Initiation

A few days later, the Thakur sent one of his sons to Navadvipa to bring Babaji Maharaj to Svananda-sukhada-kunja. Babaji Maharaj agreed to come, and after staying there for a few days, he finally consented to initiate the Thakur as a babaji. In accordance with Babaji Maharaj’s direction, the Thakur donned the old loin cloth and bahirvasa (outer cloth) of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji, his siksa-guru, who had passed away some years earlier. With Babaji Maharaj’s verbal consent and physical presence, he became the vesa guru of Thakur Bhaktivinoda, initiating him into the renounced order.

Lesson to be Learned

This story highlights the humility and deep respect between spiritual masters and disciples. Even though Babaji Maharaj initially resisted the role of a guru due to his profound humility, the eventual initiation shows the importance of recognizing and fulfilling spiritual responsibilities when the time is right. It also emphasizes the purity of intention in seeking renunciation and the sacredness of the guru-disciple relationship.


“O Lord, may we learn the true meaning of humility and respect from the example of Srila Gaurakisora Das Babaji Maharaj and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. Help us to recognize the sanctity of the guru-disciple relationship and to approach spiritual life with sincerity and devotion. Grant us the strength to fulfill our spiritual duties with humility and grace, always seeking Your divine guidance. Hare Krishna.”