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The Incident

When Bimala Prasad was just a small boy, perhaps two or three years old, his father, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, brought some ripe mangoes from the market. Eagerly, young Bimala Prasad took one of the mangoes to eat, declaring, “This is mine.” Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, noticing this, got up and addressed his son in a grave tone:

“What is this? New fruit has come into the house. It has not been offered to Giridhari [Krishna], and you have taken it first? Remember, new fruit is to be given first to the Lord. Without giving the first share to the Lord, nothing is to be taken.”

The Vow

Upon hearing this, the young child became deeply repentant and exclaimed, “Oh, what evil thoughts I have had! Throughout my whole life, I shall not eat these again. This is the right punishment for one ruled by greed.” True to his word, Bimala Prasad made a solemn vow that he would never eat mangoes again, a promise he kept throughout his entire life.

Reflection by Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad later reflected on this incident, remarking:

“Whenever we offered him mango, he would say, ‘No, I am an offender. I cannot take mango.’ He was thinking that ‘I have offended [Krishna] in my childhood by taking the mango of the Deity.’ So this is the characteristic of the acharya. They teach by their life’s action—one should be so much determined. A child took the mango, there is no offense, but he took that vow.”

Lesson to be Learned

This story teaches the importance of devotion, humility, and the seriousness with which one should approach spiritual practices. Even as a small child, Bimala Prasad demonstrated an extraordinary level of determination and commitment to the principles of devotion. His vow to never eat mangoes again, despite it being a minor childhood incident, exemplifies the deep respect and reverence that one should have for offerings made to the Lord. This incident also highlights the role of the acharya, who leads by example, showing that true spiritual discipline requires unwavering dedication and a humble heart.


“O Lord Krishna, grant us the humility and devotion that young Bimala Prasad displayed. May we always remember to offer the first and best of everything to You, and may we develop the determination to follow through on our spiritual vows with the same sincerity and commitment. Help us to live our lives in a way that reflects our deep reverence for You. Hare Krishna.”