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The Disciple’s Question

Once, there was a very learned and wise Guru, deeply revered by his disciples. One day, one of his disciples, eager to understand the essence of spiritual practice, asked him a profound question: “Guru Maharaja, how can we know what pleases Krishna the most?”

The Guru’s Unusual Instruction

The spiritual master, recognizing an opportunity to impart a valuable lesson, gave his disciple an unusual instruction. He said, “Go to the burning ghat (cremation ground) and offend the dead.”

Although puzzled, the disciple faithfully obeyed his Guru’s command. He went to the burning ghat and, finding several corpses prepared for cremation, began to offend them. He spoke harsh words, saying, “You have wasted your life. Never did you spend your days remembering and praising Hari. You are all total failures, both materially and spiritually.”

The Dead’s Response

After completing the task, the disciple returned to his Guru, who asked him, “So, what did the dead people say in response?”

Surprised by the question, the disciple replied, “Guru Maharaja, these people are dead; they cannot respond to anything.”

The Guru nodded approvingly and then gave his disciple a new instruction. “Very good! Now go back to the ghat and praise them.”

Praising the Dead

The disciple, still obedient, returned to the burning ghat and this time praised the dead. He spoke words of admiration, extolling their virtues and achievements. After some time, he returned to his Guru, who once again asked, “So, what did they say this time?”

The disciple, even more puzzled, responded, “But Guru Maharaja, they are dead; they cannot respond to my praises.”

The Guru’s Lesson

The Guru, now ready to impart the deeper meaning behind his instructions, said, “Just as the dead did not answer your praises or offenses, when you hear praise or criticism from ordinary people, you should not become inflated with vanity nor deflated by their discouragement. In this way, you shall become content both in happiness and in distress, always fixing your mind upon your spiritual goal, come what may. This is how you can please and praise the Lord.”

The Inner Guru

The Guru further added, “And when you find yourself without the guidance of great saints living close to you, remember that you can always ask the spiritual master within the core of your heart what you really ought to do. The true Guru resides within, always ready to guide you towards pleasing Krishna.”

Moral of the Story

This story teaches us that true devotion and the way to please Krishna lie in equanimity—remaining unaffected by external praise or criticism and staying focused on our spiritual path. The real test of devotion is not in seeking approval from others but in maintaining a steady and sincere connection with the Lord, regardless of worldly circumstances.


“O Lord Krishna, grant us the strength to remain unwavering in our devotion, unaffected by the praise or criticism of others. Help us to always seek Your guidance within our hearts and to stay true to our spiritual path, knowing that by pleasing You, we find true fulfillment. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”