You are currently viewing Makara Sankranti story: Lord Gauranga and Ganga

Admiration for Yamuna’s Service

Gangadevi admired the wonderful service Yamuna Mai was providing. The gopas and Krishna and Balarama bathed in her, bringing cows and calves to drink her waters. They engaged in water sports, and Yamuna provided a beautiful environment for them. Yashoda Mai bathed Krishna in the Yamuna, and Nanda Maharaj took baths there too. The gopis and Krishna enjoyed the intimate pastimes by the Yamuna, and she served by offering soothing breezes and lotus flowers.

Gangadevi’s Desire and Tapasya

Gangadevi was not envious or jealous but was happy for Yamuna. She longed to serve in a similar capacity. She did tapasya, and Krishna blessed her. He promised that in Kaliyuga, Radha and Krishna would appear as Gauranga Mahaprabhu and perform Braja lila in Navadvipa, where she could assist in every way.

Ganga’s Service in Navadvipa

When Gauranga Mahaprabhu appeared, everyone stood in the Ganga during an eclipse, chanting the Holy Name. Nimai (young Lord Caitanya) played in the Ganga with his friends, splashing water and enjoying pastimes. Nimai showed his love and faith by bowing, worshipping, and honoring Ganga three times a day.

The Encounter with Kesava Kasmiri

Scholar Kesava Kasmiri came to Navadvip, and Nimai asked him to compose verses in glorification of Mother Ganga. Kesava Kasmiri did so, and it was by the Ganga that Nimai liberated his soul by taking away his ego.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Sankirtana Movement

Mahaprabhu inaugurated the Sankirtana movement on the bank of the Ganga and took sannyasa at Katwa, bathing in the Ganga before going to Puri. Mother Ganga was eager to assist Lord Caitanya and flowed to Puri to continue her service.

Ganga and Lord Caitanya’s Visits

Lord Caitanya declared that he came in two forms in Kali yuga: as wood (Lord Jagannath) and as water (Mother Ganga). When He went to Bengal, he expressed his desire to see his mother, Saci, and his mother, Ganga. He glorified Ganga, stating that anyone who bathes in her, touches her, drinks her, or is touched by her breeze will get Krsna Prema.

Moral of the Story

The breeze of Ganga can awaken love of God within us if we have the receptivity to digest that blessing. Humility, gratitude, and a service attitude help us receive Krishna’s mercy.

Narottam Das Thakur explains that by bathing in the Ganga, one can be purified of sins and awaken love for God. However, associating with pure Vaisnavas, who are holy places personified, can have the same effect.

The real purpose of pilgrimage is to associate with holy people and receive the blessings and Hari Katha from their hearts. Without saintly people, we cannot access the full blessings of Ganga.

The most powerful current of grace in Kali yuga is Krishna’s Holy Names. Despite Kali being an ocean of faults, simply chanting the Holy Names can bring the highest benefit.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and share this moral/instructive story so that everyone can benefit by hearing about Krishna and His dear devotees.

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