Govardhan Puja and the Great Storm

  • New Moon Day: The day marks the beginning of the seven days of continuous rain and storm.
  • 10th Day: The people of Braj worshipped Indra, the god of rain, to stop the devastating storm.
  • 11th Day (Ekadashi): The full moon day, a significant time for fasting and prayers in the Hindu calendar.
  • 12th Day (Dvadasi): The day after Ekadashi, when fasting is broken. Nanda Maharaja went to the Yamuna River.

Nanda Maharaja’s Predicament

  • Early Rising: Nanda Maharaja woke up earlier than usual.
  • Capture by Varuna’s Servant: Nanda Maharaja was arrested by a servant of Varuna, the deity of the ocean and rivers.
  • Devotees’ Response: The companions of Nanda Maharaja cried out for Krishna and Balarama, demonstrating the importance of seeking shelter in the divine during times of trouble.

Varuna’s Domain and Krishna’s Intervention

  • Varuna’s Role: Varuna is the governor of night and darkness, in charge of the ocean and rivers, and the controller of various treasures within the waters.
  • Krishna and Balarama’s Visit: They went to Varuna’s abode to rescue Nanda Maharaja. Varuna welcomed them and offered his prayers.

Varuna’s Realization and Release of Nanda Maharaja

  • Prayer and Apology: Varuna recognized Krishna’s supreme position and apologized for his servant’s mistake, releasing Nanda Maharaja.
  • Nanda Maharaja’s Realization: Upon return, Nanda Maharaja expressed his amazement at Krishna’s divine nature, discussing the spiritual realm with the Vrajavasis.

Spiritual World vs. Material World

  • Attributes of the Spiritual World:
    • Chintamani (touchstone) everywhere.
    • Composed of sat-cit-ananda (eternity, knowledge, and bliss).
    • Eternal beauty and youthfulness.
    • Free from lust and filled with pure love.
    • Devotional glorification of Krishna.
    • Fragrance and bliss pervade.
    • No anxiety (Vaikuntha means ‘without anxiety’).
    • Timeless and self-effulgent.
  • Attributes of the Material World:
    • Composed of asat (temporary), acit (ignorance), and nirananda (suffering).
    • Subject to birth, disease, old age, and death.
    • Anxiety and miseries (kuntha means ‘full of anxiety’).
    • Time-bound with changes.
    • Requires external sources of light and energy.

The Nature of Devotional Service

  • Devotional Service: Transcendental and leads to eternal bliss.
  • Material Activities: Governed by the three modes of material nature and lead to reactions and suffering.

Moral Lessons and Devotional Practices

  • Spiritual Knowledge: Without spiritual knowledge, one remains on the level of animals (as per Hitopadesha).
  • Human Life: An opportunity for spiritual advancement and attaining eternal life.
  • Material Happiness: Compared to “chewing the chewed”; it’s temporary and unsatisfactory.
  • Ultimate Goal: Achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death by fixing the mind on Krishna and performing devotional service.

Path to Spiritual World

  • Bhakti Yoga: Surrender to Krishna and engage in devotional service.
  • Mantras from Bhagavad Gita:
    • BG 9.28: Free yourself from the bondage of karma by dedicating all actions to Krishna.
    • BG 18.65: Always think of Krishna, become His devotee, worship Him, and offer your homage unto Him. This will ensure liberation and entry into the spiritual world.

Final Divine Encounter

  • Nanda Maharaja and the Vrajavasis’ Experience: Bathing in the lake, they witnessed Krishna’s divine form and felt eternal bliss.
  • Importance of Following Authorities: Following the teachings and instructions of the spiritual authorities ensures a successful devotional life.


O Lord Krishna, the divine protector and eternal guide,

Grant us the humility to seek Your shelter in times of distress,

The wisdom to distinguish between the eternal and the temporary,

And the devotion to serve You with pure love.

May we always remember Your divine pastimes and the lessons they impart,

Leading us to the ultimate goal of returning to Your eternal abode.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

This comprehensive guide captures the essence of the stories and teachings surrounding Govardhan Puja, Krishna’s pastimes, and the path to spiritual liberation.


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