Madhu Chanda Das is a professional actor and children’s entertainer based in Croatia, known for his unique blend of magic and spirituality. Performing under the stage name “Gouranga,” he captivates audiences with his enchanting magic shows, playing characters like a clown, magician, pirate, Santa Claus, and more.

With his private kids’ theater, Gouranga performs over 400 shows annually, delighting children at hotels, camps, kindergartens, schools, shopping malls, and various events. His audiences range from hundred up to several thousand children, making each performance a magical experience.

A unique aspect of his shows is the incorporation of spiritual teachings. Using the magic word “Gouranga Gouranga,” children raise their hands and chant to make the magic happen. This innovative approach has led thousands of children to chant the holy names of Lord Gouranga over the past 20 years, fulfilling the prophecy that these names would be heard in every town and village.

Madhu Chanda Das also performs at devotees’ gatherings, temples, festivals, and camps, spreading joy and spiritual wisdom through his acts. His magic shows are not only entertaining but also educational, making spiritual concepts accessible and enjoyable for children.

In the eternal spiritual world of Goloka Vrindavan, Krishna himself enjoyed magic and performances. Following this tradition, Madhu Chanda Das brings a piece of that divine culture to life, ensuring that spiritual life is fun and inspirational.

Madhu Chanda Das is available for performances at temples, Sunday feasts, gatherings, or school programs. His engaging and spiritually enriching presentations are sure to delight both children and adults alike.

To book a performance or for more information, please contact