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The Merchant and His Party

Once, there was a rich merchant in Baghdad who decided to entertain his numerous friends with a lavish party. He called a servant and instructed him, “Take this money, go to the market, and buy provisions for the party.”

The Servant’s Encounter

The servant went to the market, intent on buying various items. However, while he was shopping, someone suddenly pushed him from behind. Startled, the servant turned around and to his horror, he saw death personified standing behind him. Terrified, the servant thought, “I don’t want to die!” Without buying anything, he ran back to his master in a state of panic.

The Master’s Advice

The merchant, surprised to see his servant return empty-handed, asked, “What happened?”

The servant, still trembling, replied, “Master, I saw death personified in the market, and I don’t want to die. Please save me!”

Understanding the servant’s fear, the master said, “If you want to escape death, go to the stable, take the fastest horse, and ride to the neighboring town of Samarra. You’ll reach there within two hours and be safe.”

The Escape to Samarra

Grateful for the advice, the servant quickly took a horse and rode off towards Samarra. Meanwhile, the master, curious about the servant’s encounter, decided to investigate. He went to the market and indeed saw death standing in a corner.

The Master’s Confrontation with Death

The master approached and asked, “Why are you wandering in the market?”

Death replied, “It is my duty to wander and eventually, I will come for you as well.”

The master then inquired, “But why did you push my servant?”

Death answered, “I didn’t push your servant. I was just surprised to see him here because I have an appointment with him in Samarra this afternoon.”

The Inevitable Truth

The poor servant, thinking he was escaping death, was unknowingly rushing towards his destined appointment with it. This story illustrates the inevitability of death and the futility of trying to escape it. No matter where we go or how we try to avoid it, death is certain.

Lessons to be Learned

  1. Inevitability of Death: Death is a certainty that we cannot escape, no matter how much we try. It is a part of life that everyone must face.
  2. Acceptance and Preparation: Instead of fearing death, we should accept it as a part of our existence and prepare for it.
  3. Detachment from Material Things: Our attachment to material possessions and the physical body is futile. True wisdom lies in detachment and understanding the temporary nature of material life.
  4. Divine Energy: Everything we possess is a temporary lease from the divine. We must recognize that nothing truly belongs to us, and we are merely stewards of what we have been given.

A Prayer for Wisdom and Detachment

“Oh Lord, grant us the wisdom to accept the inevitability of death and to prepare ourselves for it with grace and understanding. Help us detach from material possessions and recognize the temporary nature of our physical existence. May we always remember that our true essence lies beyond the physical realm and that everything we have is a gift from You, entrusted to us for a short time. Guide us in living a life of righteousness and devotion, so that we may face our final moments with peace and fulfillment.”

This story and its lessons remind us of the importance of spiritual preparedness and the transient nature of life, urging us to focus on what truly matters.