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The Story of Bapuji and the Sadhu

In the spiritual landscape, the danger of duplicity is ever-present. This story illustrates how even those who seek to deceive others ultimately find themselves deceived.

There was a man named Mahendra Bhai, who was greatly influenced by a so-called Sadhu—a spiritual teacher who was, in reality, a master at deceiving others. This Sadhu convinced Mahendra Bhai of his spiritual prowess, and Mahendra Bhai, believing in the Sadhu’s importance, decided to support him.

The Sadhu had a desire to build an ashram in Haridwar. He told Mahendra Bhai that he had many followers in Delhi who could fund the project. Mahendra Bhai, eager to help, financed the Sadhu’s trip to Delhi. However, the trip was a failure; no money was raised, and the Sadhu returned empty-handed, feeling dejected.

Seeing the Sadhu’s distress, Mahendra Bhai decided to take matters into his own hands. He assured the Sadhu not to worry and took the responsibility of funding the ashram himself. With great effort and expense, Mahendra Bhai bought land, built a house with ten rooms, and established the ashram. The Sadhu was overjoyed with the completion of the project.

However, shortly after the ashram was built, the Sadhu fell gravely ill with kidney failure. Mahendra Bhai brought him back to Ahmedabad, where he knew all the best doctors, but despite their efforts, the Sadhu could not be saved and eventually passed away. After his death, the ashram was taken over by the Sadhu’s family, and all of Mahendra Bhai’s efforts went in vain.

The Lesson: Cheaters Get Cheated

This story serves as a powerful reminder that when our actions are rooted in deceit or are motivated by ego and material desires, they ultimately lead to our downfall. The Sadhu, who was more interested in building an ashram for his own benefit rather than for Krishna’s service, ended up losing everything, including his life. Mahendra Bhai, despite his good intentions, was also cheated in the process because his efforts were misdirected.

True spiritual work should be done in the service of Krishna, not for personal gain. When we engage in activities for Krishna with sincerity and honesty, we can conquer our mind and draw closer to the divine. On the other hand, when we allow duplicity to enter our spiritual practice, we are bound to fail.

Conclusion: The Importance of Sincerity and Honesty

In the path of devotion, sincerity, and honesty are paramount. Whether in business or in spiritual practice, honesty should be the guiding principle. A devotee does not engage in deceitful practices. Instead, they are straightforward and transparent, both in their dealings with others and in their relationship with Krishna. This simplicity of heart and mind is what enables them to conquer the mind and remain focused on the ultimate goal: unbroken devotion to the divine.

A Prayer for Sincerity and Integrity

O Lord Krishna,
Grant us the wisdom to understand the consequences of deceit.
Help us to live with honesty and sincerity in all our actions.
Guide us away from the temptations of duplicity,
And lead us on the path of true Bhakti,
So that our devotion to You remains pure and untainted.
May we always remember that those who cheat others are themselves cheated in the end.
Let our hearts be free of ego and material desires,
So that we may serve You with a clear and focused mind.
O Krishna, protect us from the pitfalls of duplicity,
And bless us with the grace to live a life of truth and devotion.