You are currently viewing The Story of Krishna and His Desire for a Son

Lord Krishna was consumed with the desire to have a son. So he went to seek the advice of a particular sage. When the sage saw Lord Krishna, he was overwhelmed with joy. Everybody was shouting, ‘Krishna has come, Krishna has come!’ and they all started worshipping Krishna.

Seeking Advice

The sage asked Krishna, ‘Please tell me what I can do for you. Is there anything that you would like me to do?’

Krishna answered, ‘It is a very simple thing that I want. I want to have a son. Please tell me how I can have a son.’

‘Only Lord Shiva can help in this matter,’ said the sage. ‘You have to pray to Lord Shiva. First, you must gather one thousand flowers. With these flowers, you must worship Lord Shiva for many years. When Lord Shiva is pleased with your worship, you will be granted a son.’

Krishna’s Worship

Krishna left the cottage of the sage and entered into seclusion. He put ashes all over his body and clothed himself in the bark of a tree. For years and years, he prayed, only to have a glimpse of Lord Shiva and to ask him for a boon.

Parvati’s Compassion

With her third eye, Parvati saw that Krishna was praying and praying all alone in the heart of the forest. She said to her husband, ‘My Lord, what are you doing? Why are you not responding? Lord Krishna has been worshipping you, only you, for so many years.’

‘What do you want me to do?’ asked Shiva.

‘Just go and stand before him,’ pleaded Parvati. ‘As a matter of fact, let us go together.’

Shiva and Parvati Grant the Boon

Both Parvati and Shiva appeared before Krishna. Shiva said to him, ‘What are you doing? Why should you, of all people, pray to me? You are Narayana, you are Vishnu, you are the avatar of this era, you pervade everything. Why then are you praying to me?’

Krishna responded, ‘Lord Shiva, I know that you are the only one who can fulfill my desire.’

‘Is there any desire which you yourself cannot fulfill?’ asked Shiva.

‘I was told that only you can fulfill this particular desire. Therefore, I have come to you,’ answered Krishna.

‘What is your desire?’ asked Shiva.

‘I wish to have a son exactly like you,’ Krishna said to Shiva. ‘It has to be exactly like you, otherwise I do not want it.’

Shiva and Parvati both smiled and immediately Shiva granted Krishna the boon. Krishna returned home and, after some time, his wife, Jambavati, bore a son. They named him Samba.

The Nature of Samba

What does it mean to have a son exactly like Shiva? On the one hand, Shiva is always lost in trance. But, on the other hand, Shiva’s function is to destroy. From destruction comes transformation. This boy, Samba, did many unbearable things during his life. Eventually, he brought about the total destruction of Krishna’s family. So you can say that Krishna knew that transformation was needed and transformation must be preceded by destruction. That is why he prayed to have a son like Shiva.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Desire and Transformation: The story illustrates that desires, even those of the divine, can have profound implications. Krishna’s desire for a son like Shiva led to transformation through destruction.
  2. Respecting Divine Roles: Shiva’s role as a destroyer is crucial for transformation and renewal. This story emphasizes the importance of all divine roles in maintaining the cosmic balance.
  3. The Power of Devotion: Krishna’s intense devotion and prolonged worship highlight the power of sincere prayer and dedication to fulfill one’s desires.

Teaching from Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.3.32: “The Lord’s powerful activities are very wonderful. No one can understand how His will is working. By His will, He can bestow a son even upon a man who has no son.”

This verse highlights the mysterious and powerful nature of the Lord’s will and His ability to fulfill the desires of His devotees in miraculous ways.

Teaching from Caitanya Caritamrita

Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi-lila 7.73: “The supreme personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the ultimate goal of life, but He is also very difficult to approach. Only by unalloyed devotion and intense prayer can one attract His mercy.”

This verse emphasizes the necessity of pure devotion and intense prayer to attract the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Teaching of Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada emphasized the importance of understanding the divine roles and the need for pure devotional service.

Srila Prabhupada said: “Krishna consciousness means to understand the supreme controller and be controlled by Him.” (Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Introduction)

This teaching reminds us of the importance of recognizing and respecting the supreme control of the Lord and aligning ourselves with His will.


O Lord Krishna,
Please grant us the wisdom to understand Your divine will.
Help us to approach You with pure devotion and sincere prayer,
So that we may fulfill our desires in harmony with Your divine plan.
May our hearts be filled with love and respect for all Your divine roles,
And may we always seek Your mercy in our spiritual journey.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

May Your divine grace and blessings be upon us always,
Guiding us towards pure devotion and eternal bliss in Your service.


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