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Introduction: The Pitfalls of Fashion

In today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest fashions and trends, often without realizing their impact on our lives. The story shared here serves as a reminder that following unnecessary trends can lead us astray, much like the tale of a monkey and his tail.

The Story of the Monkey and the Woodcutter

Once, in a time before machines were used to cut wood, two woodcutters would venture into the forest to manually saw logs. They would work together, each standing on opposite sides of the wood, moving the saw back and forth. If they didn’t finish their work by evening, they would wedge a splinter into the partially cut wood to keep the pieces from closing, so they could resume their work the next day.

Monkeys, known for their habit of imitating human actions, watched the woodcutters closely. One day, after the woodcutters left, two monkeys decided to try sawing the wood themselves. One monkey sat on one side of the log, with his tail dangling through the gap left by the splinter. The other monkey, in his ignorance, removed the splinter, causing the two parts of the log to snap shut—trapping the first monkey’s tail.

Panicked, the monkey struggled to free himself but to no avail. His friend, seeing the trouble, quickly fled, leaving him to his fate. Desperate, the trapped monkey eventually managed to escape by yanking his tail free, but in the process, he lost almost all of it—leaving only a short stump.

The Consequences of Imitation

Despite the pain and loss, the monkey was relieved to be free and returned to his group. When the other monkeys saw his short tail, they assumed it was a new trend, perhaps an “American fashion.” They all decided to cut their own tails to match, following the monkey’s example without understanding the real reason behind his appearance.

The Moral: Avoid Blind Imitation

This story humorously illustrates how blindly following trends, especially without understanding their origins or purpose, can lead to unnecessary complications and even harm. Just like the monkeys who cut their tails to mimic what they thought was a fashionable look, we too can fall into the trap of imitating others without considering the consequences.

A Call to Simplicity

The lesson here is clear: rather than getting caught up in superficial trends and fashions, it is far better to lead a simple and meaningful life. A true sadhu, or spiritual person, is one who embraces simplicity and focuses on inner growth rather than external appearances. By doing so, we can avoid the distractions and delusions brought about by material nature and instead dedicate our lives to higher purposes.

Conclusion: Embrace Simplicity and Purpose

In conclusion, let’s not waste our precious time on the trivialities of fashion and appearances. Instead, let’s focus on cultivating a life of simplicity, humility, and devotion. By doing so, we can lead a life that is not only free from unnecessary complications but also aligned with our true spiritual goals.