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The Devotion and Lifestyle of Babaji Maharaja

Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s ashrama was situated along the banks of the Ganga River. Whenever Bhaktivinoda Thakura heard the loud chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, he knew that Gaura-kishora dasa Babaji Maharaja was approaching. Babaji Maharaja’s powerful voice carried across the Ganga, heralding his arrival. Upon reaching the ashrama, he would sit and listen to the recitation of Shrimad-Bhagavatam and other krishna-katha from Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

Babaji Maharaja’s Disguise and Critique of False Renunciation

Though Babaji Maharaja typically wore only a simple langoti and avoided association with most other babajis, one day he surprised everyone by arriving at Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s ashrama dressed in fine attire—a good quality dhoti, kurta, turban, and carrying a walking stick. Bhaktivinoda Thakura, surprised by this unusual appearance, thought to himself, “How has Babaji Maharaja’s appearance changed so drastically? He has taken on the dress of a grihastha. What has happened to him?”

Curious, Bhaktivinoda Thakura asked Babaji Maharaja about his new appearance. Babaji Maharaja explained that many so-called babajis had become corrupt, engaging in sinful activities under the guise of spirituality. Their misconduct was so severe that even mentioning their names had become undesirable. Babaji Maharaja expressed his frustration that these false renunciates, under the pretext of parakiya-bhajana, engaged in worldly and immoral activities, which would lead them to hell. He declared that a grihastha was far superior to these hypocrites and decided to adopt the appearance of a grihastha to distance himself from such individuals.

Babaji Maharaja lamented that instead of offering their good fortune to others, these babajis indulged in personal pleasure, attending festivals solely for the food, and showing complete disrespect to the sacred dhama. He concluded that he would rather be seen as a grihastha than be associated with such deceptive babajis.

The Need for True Preachers and the Legacy of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Bhaktivinoda Thakura agreed with Babaji Maharaja’s assessment. The widespread misconduct of these false babajis had tarnished the reputation of the true Vaishnava path, creating an urgent need for a great personality to preach the pure prema-dharma of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the world. This need was fulfilled by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada, who preached the sankirtana movement so effectively that the world’s opinion of Vaishnavism changed rapidly. Scholars, gentlemen, and common people alike began to accept the true teachings of vaishnava-dharma.

If there had been no Gaura-kishora dasa Babaji, there would have been no Prabhupada. And without Prabhupada, the pure prema of Mahaprabhu would not have spread across the world as it has today. Thus, Gaura-kishora dasa Babaji, our spiritual great-grandfather, was the original great personality who laid the foundation for the global dissemination of pure bhakti. It is with great pride and supreme good fortune that we acknowledge him as the guru of our parama-guru.

Lessons to be Learned

  1. Sincerity in Spiritual Practice: Babaji Maharaja’s disdain for false renunciates highlights the importance of sincere spiritual practice and the dangers of hypocrisy in religious life.
  2. The Role of True Preachers: The legacy of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura underscores the need for true preachers who can spread pure spiritual teachings and reform society.
  3. Avoiding Hypocrisy: The story illustrates the danger of hypocrisy and the importance of aligning one’s external appearance and behavior with true inner devotion.


O Lord Krishna, grant us the wisdom to pursue true devotion and the strength to resist the allure of hypocrisy. May we always seek the company of sincere devotees and learn from their example. Bless us with the courage to spread the pure teachings of Your holy names and protect us from the pitfalls of pride and false renunciation.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare
