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In the material world, we are often faced with problems and challenges that seem to demand our immediate attention. However, it is crucial to determine whether these material problems truly deserve our time and energy or whether we should instead focus on our spiritual practice. The story of the sadhu and the dog provides a profound lesson on how to handle such situations.

The Sadhu’s Journey

Once, a sadhu was walking along a village road, immersed in his thoughts and devotion. As he walked, a dog started barking at him aggressively. The sadhu, startled by the dog’s behavior, began to run. He was not afraid of the dog, but rather, he didn’t want to engage with the dog and escalate the situation.

At the same time, far away in the divine realm, Lord Krishna was having prasadam (a sacred meal) in Rukmini’s palace. Suddenly, Krishna stood up from his seat, causing Rukmini to be concerned. She asked Him, “Why did you stand up so abruptly?”

Krishna replied, “One of My devotees was in trouble.”

Rukmini, curious and worried, asked, “Then why didn’t You go to help him?”

Krishna smiled and said, “No need now. It has turned into a different situation—there are now two dogs fighting.”

The Transformation

What had happened was that the sadhu, in an attempt to protect himself, had picked up a stone to throw at the barking dog. At that moment, Krishna perceived the situation as if two dogs were fighting, and thus He sat back down, realizing that the sadhu had temporarily lost his composure and had engaged at the same level as the dog.

This story illustrates a key point: when we react to problems or aggression with similar negativity, we descend to the level of the problem itself. The sadhu, initially calm and composed, became entangled in the material situation by picking up the stone, effectively lowering himself to the level of the dog.

The Lesson: Forego and Focus

The lesson here is that when faced with material problems, we should not react impulsively or out of fear. Instead, we should maintain our spiritual focus and avoid becoming entangled in the material world. Just as the elephant walks majestically through the marketplace, undisturbed by the barking dogs, we too should move through life with grace and composure, not allowing the problems and provocations of the world to drag us down.

As the Hindi proverb goes, “Haathi chale bazaar aur kutte bhooke hazaar” (the elephant walks through the market, undisturbed by the barking of thousands of dogs). The elephant, in its majesty, does not stoop to the level of the dogs. Similarly, we should not let ourselves be pulled into petty conflicts or material distractions.


In our lives, when faced with difficulties or provocations, we must remember to rise above them, maintaining our spiritual focus. If we engage with the problem on its level, we risk losing our composure and becoming entangled in the material world. Instead, by focusing on our devotional service and maintaining our connection with the divine, we can transcend these challenges.

A Prayer for Strength and Focus

O Lord Krishna,
Grant me the strength to rise above material entanglements,
To focus on Your divine presence in all situations.
Help me to maintain my composure and not be swayed by the barking dogs of the world.
May I walk through life with the grace of an elephant,
Unaffected by the provocations around me,
And always devoted to Your service.