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You are currently viewing Imli Tala (Vrindavan)

Introduction Imli Tala in Vrindavan is a place steeped in spiritual and historical significance, especially within the context of the divine love between Radha and Krishna. The name “Imli Tala” translates to “Tamarind Tree,” a specific tree that stands as a testament to the deep feelings of separation and love between the two.

Historical Significance According to the sacred narratives, this was the spot where Shrimati Radharani left the Sharad Purnima rasa dance, causing Lord Krishna to experience profound feelings of separation. In His deep yearning to reunite with Radha, Krishna sat under this very tamarind tree and became so absorbed in His thoughts of her that His body temporarily took on the golden complexion of Shrimati Radharani, symbolizing the unity of their love.

The Transformation of Krishna This transformation highlights the intensity of Krishna’s emotions and foreshadows His later incarnation in the age of Kali as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu, believed to be Krishna Himself, took on the mood and complexion of Radha to spread the love of God through the chanting of the holy names, especially the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Devotional Significance Imli Tala is not just a place of pastimes but also a significant site of devotion. It is said that Lord Chaitanya, during His visit to Vrindavan, would sit under the tamarind tree at Imli Tala, deeply absorbed in chanting the holy names. In his absorption, His golden form would take on a dark complexion, reminiscent of a newly formed monsoon cloud, symbolizing Krishna Himself.

The Legend of the Tamarind Tree The tree at Imli Tala is also associated with a unique legend. It is believed that the tree was cursed by Shrimati Radharani when she accidentally injured her foot on the thick bark of a ripe tamarind fruit, which delayed her meeting with Krishna. As a result, she cursed the tree so that its fruits would never ripen. To this day, the fruits of this particular tamarind tree are said to fall before fully ripening, a phenomenon that adds to the mystical aura of the place.

Lessons to be Learned

  1. The Power of Separation The intense feelings of separation between Radha and Krishna highlight the depth of divine love, which transcends physical presence. Even in separation, their love grows stronger, teaching us the importance of longing and devotion in spiritual life.
  2. Devotion in All Circumstances Krishna’s transformation under the tamarind tree reminds us that true devotion can lead to the most profound spiritual experiences, even in moments of intense emotion or hardship.
  3. The Significance of Holy Sites Imli Tala is a reminder of the sacredness of places associated with divine pastimes. Visiting such places with a pure heart can deepen one’s spiritual connection.


“O Lord Chaitanya, who took on the mood and complexion of Shrimati Radharani to spread the holy names, please bless me with the taste for chanting the holy names with pure love and devotion. May I always remember the divine love between Radha and Krishna and strive to deepen my devotion in all circumstances.”

Quote from Sastra

Bhagavad Gita 9.22 “To those who are constantly devoted and who worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.”

Final Reflection and Prayer

At Imli Tala, we should humbly pray at the lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya and Shri Shri Radha Gopinath to develop a sincere attachment to chanting the holy names. May we be blessed with pure devotional service unto Krishna, free from all material desires, and may the love of Radha and Krishna inspire us to cultivate true bhakti (devotion) in our hearts.
