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The story of Sridhar Swami and the small lizard serves as a powerful reminder of Krishna’s control over all aspects of life, emphasizing that we often worry unnecessarily about the well-being of others when, in reality, everything is under the divine care of the Lord.

The Story of Sridhar Swami

Sridhara Svami was a great devotee, so he was thinking of taking sannyasa. So he was contemplating that “I shall now leave my home and take sannyasa.” So in the meantime, his wife became pregnant. Then he thought that “I was thinking like that. Anyway, this has happened, and if I take sannyasa now, what people will say, that ‘His wife is pregnant and he has taken sannyasa, he has gone out of home.'” So he waited, the child was born, and the mother died. [laughing] Then he thought, “I do not know what Krsna desires. Who will take care of this child, motherless child?” So that he was thinking very deeply. One lizard dropped before him, one small child lizard. Mean, gave birth to a child this small, and the small lizard was staying, and immediately small ant came before the mouth of that small lizard, and he ate. Then Sridhara Svami thought, “The every arrangement is there. Why I am thinking of this and that?” Immediately went away. Actually, that is the position. The actual care is taken by Krsna, eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam [Katha Upanisad 2.2.13]. He is taking care of everyone.

(Srila Prabhupada, February 6, 1974, Vrndavana)

The Lessons

  1. Krishna’s Control: The story highlights the idea that Krishna is in control of everything. Even in situations where we feel helpless, like Sridhar Swami did for his young son, Krishna has a plan and provides for everyone in His own way.
  2. Unnecessary Worry: The story reminds us that we often worry unnecessarily. Like the old lady in the previous story who asked Krishna to help her lift her burden back onto her head, Sridhar Swami’s initial concern for his son was natural but ultimately unnecessary because Krishna was taking care of everything.
  3. Duty and Detachment: While we are encouraged to perform our duties, we should not be overly attached to the outcomes. Sridhar Swami’s realization led him to understand that while he should care for his son, he should also trust in Krishna’s plan.
  4. Focus on Spiritual Life: The story also reflects the broader spiritual principle that while material life goes on with its challenges, the true purpose of human existence is to cultivate spiritual awareness and connection with Krishna.


This story of Sridhar Swami teaches us to trust in Krishna’s providence, to perform our duties without attachment, and to focus on our spiritual growth. It encourages us to let go of unnecessary worries, knowing that Krishna, who controls everything, will take care of us and those we care about. By cultivating this trust, we can live more peacefully and fulfill the true purpose of our lives.