Topics covered:



SB 3.21: Conversation Between Manu and Kardama

  • Priyavrata and Uttanapada rule the world
  • Penances practices by Kardama Muni
  • Description of the form of the Lord
  • Prayers by Kardama Muni
  • The umbrella of the Lords lotus feet
  • The Lord creates just like a spider
  • Vishnus words as sweet as nectar
  • Svayambhuva Manus daughter promised to Kardama
  • The Lord appear as the son of Devahuti
  • Sama Veda vibrated by the wings of Garuda
  • The holy lake Bindu – sarovara described
  • Kardama delights the king with sweet accents


SB 3.22: The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahūti

  • The emperor addresses Kardama
  • The brahmanas and kshatriyas protect each other
  • Devahutis desires a suitable husband
  • Kardama is offered Devahutis hand
  • The captivating beauty of Devahuti
  • Kardamas face captures Devahutis mind
  • Shatarupa gives a dowry to the bride
  • The citizens of Brahmavarta greet the emperor
  • Svayambhuva Manu as a saintly person


SB 3.23: Devahūti’s Lamentation

  • Devahuti worships the master of universe
  • The Supreme Lord appears in Devahuti
  • Lord Brahma praises Kardama
  • Description of Kapila Munis bodily features
  • Kardamas prayers to Kapila
  • The Lord has innumerable forms
  • Kardama desire to renounce family life
  • Kapila appears to explain Sankhya philosophy
  • Kardama leaves for the forest
  • Kardama becomes situated in devotional service


SB 3.24: The Renunciation of Kardama Muni

  • Devahuti worships the master of universe
  • The Supreme Lord appears in Devahuti
  • Lord Brahma praises Kardama Muni
  • Description of Kapilas Muni bodily features
  • Kardama gives his daughters in marriage
  • Kardamas prayers to Kapila
  • The Lord has innumerable forms
  • Kardama desires to renounce family life
  • Kapila appears to explain sankya philosophy
  • Kardama leaves for the forest
  • Kardama becomes situated in devotional service


SB 3.25: The Glories of Devotional Service

  • The Lord takes birth as Kapila Muni
  • Devahuti questions her son
  • The Lord explains the path of the transcendentalists
  • Conditional life and liberation
  • Devotional service is the only auspicious path
  • The symptoms of a sadhu
  • The value of attachment to devotees
  • The easiest process of mystic power
  • Devahuti inquires about devotional service
  • The senses represent  the demigods
  • Devotional service dissolves the subtle body
  • Devotees like to see the forms of the Lord
  • Devotees enjoy all offered benedictions
  • Unflinching devotional service described
  • The wind blows out of fear of the Lord

SB 3.26: Fundamental Principles of Material Nature

  • Knowledge is the ultimate perfection
  • The Lord accepts the subtle material energy
  • Material consciousness causes conditional life
  • The aggregate elements are know as pradhana
  • Time is the twenty – fifth element
  • The Lord impregnates material nature
  • The characteristics od pure consciousness
  • The mind is know as Lord Aniruddha
  • The characteristics of intelligence
  • Manifestation of the sound element
  • The characteristics of the ethereal element
  • The characteristics of form
  • The characteristics of water
  • The earth sustains all elements
  • Appearance of the celebrated cosmic being
  • Division of the universe
  • The demigods try to awaken the universal form
  • The cosmic being arises from the causal waters


SB 3.27: Understanding Material Nature

  • Transmigration of conditional soul
  • The controlling process of the yoga system
  • The qualities of a devotee
  • A liberated soul realizes the Lord
  • A devotee is freed from false ego
  • Devahuti makes her first inquiry
  • Devotional service performed in knowledge
  • Material nature cannot harm an enlightened soul
  • The devotee goes to the transcendental abode

SB 3.28: Kapila’s Instructions on the Execution of Devotional Service

  • Kapila explains the system of yoga
  • One should eat very frugally
  • One must control the unbridled mind
  • The yogis are freed from material disturbances
  • Description of the form of the Lord
  • The Lord is eternal very beautiful
  • The pastimes of the Lord are always very attractive
  • The Lords lotus feet act like thunderbolts
  • The moonlike navel of the Lord
  • The Lords club smashes the demons
  • The benevolent smile of Lord Sri Hari
  • The yogis develops pure love of God
  • The liberated soul forgets his bodily demands
  • The Supreme Lord is the seer
  • The spirit soul manifests in different bodies

SB 3.29: Explanation of Devotional Service by Lord Kapila

  • The ultimate end of all philosophical systems
  • Lord Kapila speaks
  • Devotion in the mode of passion
  • Unadulterated devotional service
  • A devotee must execute prescribed duties
  • Temple worship is the duty of devotee
  • A devotee avoids the company of nondevotees
  • The supreme soul is present everywhere
  • A separatist never attain peace of mind
  • Different grades of human beings
  • Lord Visnu is the time factor

SB 3.30: Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse Fruitive Activities

  • The powerful strength of the time factor
  • Conditioned souls delight in hellish enjoyment
  • The foolish people prepares for death
  • The materialist dies most pathetically
  • The criminal is brought before Yamaraja
  • Hellish punishment on this planet


SB 3.31: Lord Kapila’s Instructions on the Movements of the Living Entities

  • Development of the material body
  • Agony of the child in the womb
  • Prayers of the child in the womb
  • One must surrender to Paramatma
  • The human form of life is the highest
  • The pangs of birth
  • The distresses of boyhood
  • The conditioned soul again goes to hell
  • Dangers of association with women
  • The materialist involves himself in fruitive activities
  • One should not view death with honor

SB 3.32: Entanglement in Fruitive Activities

  • Materialists can be elevated to the Moon
  • The path of illumination
  • Lord Brahma closes the material universe
  • Materialists work with attachment to the results
  • The devotees mind becomes equipoised
  • The greatest common understanding for all yogis
  • The entire universe has come from the Lord
  • The Supreme is one
  • Kapilas instructions are not meant for envious

SB 3.33: Activities of Kapila

  • Prayers of Devahuti
  • The lord assumes many incarnations
  • Thouse who chant the holy names are glorious
  • Kapila replies to his mother
  • Devahuti begins to practice bhakti yoga
  • The opulence of Kardamas muni household
  • Devahuti aggrieved at the loss of her son
  • devahuti attains transcendental bliss
  • Devahuti appears like fire surrounded by smoke
  • The ocean offers Kapila a place of residence

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