You are currently viewing Karmic Food vs. Prasadam: A Story of Consciousness and Purity

IIntroduction: The Journey of a Saint and His Disciple

Once, a saint and his disciple were traveling to different places, preaching about God and spirituality. During their travels, they came across a village where they were invited to stay at the house of a rich man. The saint, in keeping with the tradition of sannyasis, accepted the invitation, as it is customary for renunciants to eat in the homes of householders. Little did they know, this rich man was a notorious thief in the area.

The Thief’s Hospitality

The rich man warmly welcomed the saint and his disciple and offered them a variety of delicious food. The saint and the disciple ate to their satisfaction, unaware of the man’s criminal background. After the meal, they prepared to leave, thanking the man for his hospitality.

The Saint’s Strange Behavior

Before they left, the saint did something unexpected: he secretly took a small metal pot from the rich man’s house and placed it in his bag. The disciple, shocked by his guru’s actions, silently observed but said nothing at the time. After leaving the house, the saint and disciple continued their journey and soon felt tired, deciding to rest under a tree.

The Saint’s Realization

Once the food had been digested, the saint called his disciple and confessed his guilt. He revealed that he had stolen the metal pot from the rich man’s house and expressed his regret. The saint asked his disciple to return the pot to the rich man, acknowledging that he had committed a sin by stealing.

The disciple, confused, asked, “Master, you are such a pure soul. You have no desire for material possessions. How could you steal this pot?”

The saint explained, “You are right. I do not desire the possessions of others. But when I ate food from the house of a thief, his consciousness influenced mine through the vibrations carried by the food. The impurity in that food created a temptation in me to steal the pot. However, now that the food has been digested and I have been chanting the names of the Lord, my consciousness has been purified again. I now realize my mistake and ask you to return the pot to its rightful owner.”

The Transformation of the Thief

The disciple returned to the rich man’s house with the pot and said, “My guru mistakenly took this pot, thinking it was his. He asked me to return it to you.”

To the disciple’s surprise, the rich man smiled and replied, “No, let your guru keep the pot. I ate the remnants of food left by your guru, and after consuming those remnants, I felt a miraculous change in my consciousness. The offensive thoughts that once dominated my mind have vanished, and I have decided to give up my sinful profession of stealing. From today, I will work honestly to earn my living. This is the power of the purity of a saint. Please thank your guru for changing me.”

The Lesson in Consciousness

The disciple marveled at the series of events. When his guru ate the food prepared by a thief, his consciousness was momentarily tainted, and he acted like a thief. However, when the thief consumed the remnants of food left by the pure guru, his consciousness was purified, and he was transformed into an honest man.

Moral of the Story: The Impact of Food on Consciousness

This story illustrates the profound effect that food can have on our consciousness. It is why devotees are advised not to eat food from unknown or non-devotional sources. The consciousness of the person who prepares and offers the food influences the person who consumes it. Only food that has been offered to the Lord, known as prasadam, is free from the contamination of karma and carries the purifying energy of devotion.

By accepting prasadam, we protect our consciousness from negative influences and bring ourselves closer to God. It is a reminder to be mindful of where we receive our food and to always offer our meals to the Lord to cleanse them of any impurities.


O Lord Krishna, we offer our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet, recognizing the power of prasadam in purifying our hearts and minds. Please bless us with the wisdom to honor the food offered to You and to remain conscious of its spiritual significance. May we always be mindful of the food we consume and the consciousness it carries. Help us to lead a life of purity, guided by Your divine grace. And may we share the transformative power of prasadam with all, knowing that it has the ability to elevate and purify even the most fallen souls. Jai Shri Krishna!