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The story of Krishna and the old lady that you shared illustrates a profound lesson about human nature and spiritual readiness.

The Story and Its Lesson

There is that story that one old woman, she was suffering. And she had to collect woods from the forest and sell in the market. So one day, how do you say, she was praying to Krsna, or God, that ‘Kindly help me. I am in very poverty-stricken.” So one day, she was carrying that load of fuel. It fell down. So nobody was there to help her. So she began to cry, ‘Who will help me?” So she began to pray to God ‘Kindly help me.” And God came: ‘What do you want?” ‘Who are you, Sir?” ‘I am God.” ‘Kindly help me to take this burden on my head.” Yes. ‘All right.” From God, she’s asking, ‘Please help me to get this burden on my head.” That’s all. ( told by Srila Prabhupada )

The Deeper Meaning

  1. Attachment to Suffering: The old lady symbolizes those of us who are so accustomed to our hardships that we become attached to them. When divine help arrives, we may fail to recognize it or ask for help in the most superficial way, instead of asking for what could truly elevate us beyond our suffering.
  2. Spiritual Readiness: The story emphasizes the importance of being ready for spiritual liberation. When we call out to the divine, we should be prepared to embrace the help offered, even if it means letting go of our current way of life or the burdens we’ve grown accustomed to carrying.
  3. Krishna’s Compassion: Krishna’s appearance in the story represents the ever-present compassion of the divine, ready to assist whenever we call out with sincerity. However, the story also serves as a reminder that we need to align our desires with spiritual growth and liberation rather than just seeking temporary relief.

Practical Application

  • Seek Deeper Solutions: When faced with challenges, instead of just seeking temporary fixes, we should aim to address the root cause. In spiritual life, this means seeking liberation from the cycle of birth and death rather than merely alleviating day-to-day discomforts.
  • Cultivate Spiritual Awareness: We should strive to be aware of the opportunities for spiritual growth that come our way. This awareness will help us recognize when the divine is responding to our prayers and ensure that we do not waste these opportunities on trivial matters.
  • Letting Go: The story encourages us to let go of our attachments to the mundane aspects of life and be open to the transformation that spiritual practice can bring.


The story of Krishna and the old lady is a reminder to focus on the bigger picture of spiritual liberation and not get lost in the immediate concerns of the material world. It teaches us to be ready to embrace the divine help that comes our way and to ask for what truly matters for our spiritual well-being.
