You are currently viewing Krishna Serves His Devotees – The Story of Narsingh Mehta

Narsingh Mehta, a renowned devotee of Lord Krishna, was deeply immersed in devotion. His constant reflection on the teachings of Krishna, especially through the Bhagavad Gita and devotional songs (bhajans), purified his mind, making his devotion more profound. The Gujarati saint was known for his intense love for Krishna, and his mornings were dedicated to singing the Lord’s praises, often accompanied by the women of his village who would sing as they ground grain by hand.

During this time, self-sufficiency was common, with each household grinding its own grain to ensure purity. Narsingh Mehta’s songs, particularly his compositions that reflected the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, became an integral part of the daily lives of these villagers, filling their mornings with spiritual vibrations.

Despite his deep devotion, some people in the community doubted Narsingh Mehta’s sincerity. They went to the king, accusing him of being an imposter who was merely pretending to be a devotee. The king, swayed by these accusations, summoned Narsingh Mehta and questioned him about his relationship with Krishna. Narsingh confidently affirmed that Krishna was always with him.

In a test of his devotion, the king asked Narsingh Mehta to prove his divine connection by arranging for a specific garment order to be fulfilled by the morning. This task seemed impossible, as Narsingh Mehta was in a difficult situation. He had mortgaged a particular musical Raag (melody), the Kedar Raag, which was crucial for invoking Krishna’s presence, and without it, he couldn’t sing and call upon the Lord.

As the night wore on, Narsingh Mehta found himself in a desperate situation, unable to retrieve the Raag and thus unable to fulfill the king’s challenge. But, in his unwavering faith, he continued to sing in his heart, deeply yearning for Krishna’s intervention.

Moved by his devotee’s plight, Krishna himself intervened. He went to the person who had the Raag mortgaged, paid off the debt, and returned the Raag to Narsingh Mehta. Early the next morning, Narsingh Mehta, with the Raag in hand, sang the Kedar Raag, and to everyone’s astonishment, the garment order was miraculously fulfilled.

The king and all those who doubted Narsingh Mehta’s devotion were humbled by this divine intervention. Krishna, in the guise of a simple garment lady, had ensured that his devotee was not disgraced and that his devotion was vindicated.

Lessons to Be Learned:

  • Unwavering Faith:
    True devotion is marked by unwavering faith, even in the face of impossible challenges. When a devotee remains steadfast in their faith, the divine will always find a way to intervene and provide support.
  • Divine Intervention:
    The divine does not abandon those who are sincere in their devotion. Krishna himself will go to great lengths to protect and serve his devotees, even if it means taking on a humble form to do so.
  • Purity of Devotion:
    Narsingh Mehta’s life exemplifies that the purity of one’s heart and the sincerity of one’s devotion are far more important than external appearances or societal judgments.


Oh Lord Krishna,
Guide me to cultivate unwavering faith like Narsingh Mehta,
So that in times of trial, I may trust in your divine protection.
May my devotion be pure and sincere, untouched by doubt or fear.
Let me always remember that you are with me,
Even in the smallest of tasks, and that your grace is ever-present.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.