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The Story of the Crooked Tree

In a dense forest filled with tall, straight trees, there was one tree whose branches were crooked and shapeless. This crooked trunk tree often felt sad and thought, “How ugly I am! All others are straight and have nice shapes. I alone have a crooked trunk.”

One day, a wood-cutter came into the forest. He looked around and said, “I will cut all the trees here, except that crooked tree. It is of no use to me.” He cut down all the other trees, leaving the crooked tree untouched. The crooked tree was now happy and thankful to the Lord for creating it with crooked branches.

Moral of the Story

This story teaches us about the value of contentment and recognizing the blessings in our lives. The opulence of an individual is not measured by material possessions or social status but by how satisfied one is with what the Lord has provided.

Reflection on Contentment

Often, we crave things we don’t have and miss out on the happiness and blessings of what we already possess. Our attitude should be, “If Krishna is not giving us something, then we don’t want it.”

Wisdom from Srimad Bhagavatam

In Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 8 Chapter 19, verse 24, Lord Vamanadev explains to Bali Maharaj why he did not ask for more than three paces of land:

yadrcchayopapannena / santushto vartate sukham naasantushtas tribhir lokair / ajitaatmopasaaditaih

“One should be satisfied with whatever he achieves by his previous destiny, for discontent can never bring happiness. A person who is not self-controlled will not be happy even with possessing the three worlds.”

Srila Prabhupada’s Purport

In his purport to this verse, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada states, “If happiness is the ultimate goal of life, one must be satisfied with the position in which he is placed by providence.” Krishna, being our Supreme Father, knows what is best for us. Therefore, we should never question our position and instead be happy with whatever we have.

Shastra’s Guidance on Satisfaction

The following verse from the shastras provides guidance on what we should be satisfied with and what we should not be satisfied with:

santushta trishu kartavyah / svadhaare bhojane dhane santushta trishu na kartavyah / svaadhyaah japa dhaanayoh

“One should always be satisfied with these three things – their spouse, the food, and the amount of wealth they have obtained. One should never be satisfied with these three things – the amount of scriptural study, the amount of chanting, and the amount of charity performed.”


The story of the crooked tree reminds us to appreciate and be content with the blessings we have. By focusing on what we have rather than what we lack, we can find true happiness and peace.


Let us pray for the grace to be content and appreciative of our blessings:

“O Supreme Lord Krishna, guide us to be content with the gifts You have bestowed upon us. Help us to find joy and satisfaction in what we have and to always strive to grow in our spiritual practices.”

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