You are currently viewing Krishna’s Divine Protection: The Chariot of Arjuna

The Epic Battle of Kurukshetra 

The battle of Kurukshetra was at its peak, with Arjuna and Karna locked in a fierce duel. The clash between these two mighty warriors was a sight to behold, as a flurry of arrows filled the sky. Even the devatas (demigods) were watching this epic confrontation with bated breath. Each time Arjuna shot his arrows, the sheer force would push Karna’s chariot back by 25–30 feet. The spectators were awed by Arjuna’s skill and strength.

Karna’s Valor 

Karna, however, was no less formidable. His arrows, though displacing Arjuna’s chariot by only 3–4 feet, were powerful enough to cause a significant impact. What puzzled many was that Krishna, who was serving as Arjuna’s charioteer, would often applaud Karna’s prowess, but He never once praised Arjuna’s feats. This left Arjuna wondering why his achievements were not being acknowledged by Krishna, despite the apparent success in his battle against Karna.

Arjuna’s Query to Krishna 

At the end of the day, Arjuna, perplexed by Krishna’s behavior, asked, “Oh Lord, I have shot so many arrows at Karna’s chariot, and it was being displaced like a feather in the wind, but not once did you appreciate me. Rather, you would appreciate Karna’s skill despite his arrows just displacing my chariot a little.”

Krishna’s Enlightening Response 

Krishna, with a gentle smile, replied, “Oh Arjuna, remember, your chariot is protected by Hanuman at the top on your flag, Me as your charioteer in the front, and by Sheshnag at its wheels. Yet, despite all these divine forces protecting your chariot, it still swayed and displaced whenever the valiant Karna hit it with his arrows.”
“But Karna’s chariot is not protected by any such divine force; he is on his own, yet he fights valiantly.”
Krishna’s words made Arjuna realize the incredible strength and determination of Karna, who, despite lacking divine protection, fought with unparalleled courage.

The Chariot’s Ultimate Fate 

After the battle of Kurukshetra was over, Krishna instructed Arjuna to get down from the chariot first. Once Arjuna had alighted, Krishna also got down. The moment Krishna stepped off the chariot, it caught fire and was reduced to ashes. Krishna then revealed, “Oh Arjuna, your chariot was destroyed by Karna a long time ago. It was I who was protecting it all this time.”

The Lesson in Humility 

Krishna’s final words to Arjuna carried a profound lesson: “Never in your life have the arrogance to say that you have achieved great heights on your own. If you have achieved something, it is the divine will, it is the divine intervention that has always protected you, cleared your path, and given you the right opportunities at the right time.”

Lessons to Be Learned:

  1. Divine Protection: The story emphasizes that behind every achievement, there is often unseen divine protection and support. Arjuna’s chariot, though appearing strong, was constantly shielded by Krishna’s divine presence.
  2. Humility: Krishna’s words to Arjuna serve as a reminder to remain humble, recognizing that our successes are not solely our own but are often the result of divine grace.
  3. Respect for Adversaries: The story also teaches us to respect the strength and determination of our adversaries. Despite lacking divine protection, Karna fought valiantly, and Krishna acknowledged this with admiration.
  4. Acknowledgment of Divine Will: The narrative underscores the importance of acknowledging that divine will plays a crucial role in the outcomes of our endeavors. We should always be grateful for the divine interventions that guide and protect us.


“O Lord Krishna, protector and guide, help us to always remember that our achievements are not ours alone but are a result of your divine grace. Grant us the humility to acknowledge your presence in our lives and the strength to face challenges with faith in your protection. May we always respect the efforts of others and remain grounded in the knowledge that you are the true orchestrator of our successes.”

Quote from Shastra:

yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ
tatra śhrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama

(Bhagavad Gita 18.78)
“Wherever there is Krishna, the master of yoga, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also surely be glory, victory, prosperity, and sound morality.”

This verse captures the essence of divine protection and success, emphasizing that with Krishna’s presence, victory and prosperity are assured.

This story from the Mahabharata beautifully illustrates the importance of divine grace, humility, and the recognition that true success comes from the Lord’s protection and guidan