You are currently viewing Madhusudana das Babaji  – Divine saint at Surya Kunda

The Humble Beginnings of Madhusudana das Babaji

Madhusudana das Babaji, the spiritual mentor of Jagannath das Babaji, was born into an aristocratic Brahmin family. From a young age, he exhibited a deep inclination towards spiritual life. At just 12 years old, upon overhearing his parents discussing his future marriage, Madhusudana felt a strong aversion to worldly life. Without hesitation, he left his home, never to return, and traveled to Vrindavan to live as an ascetic.

A Divine Encounter

In Vrindavan, Madhusudana das Babaji spent his days in deep meditation, wondering when Krishna would send him a spiritual master. One day, as he sat by the Yamuna River, a saintly Vaishnava appeared before him. This saint, who seemed to be sent by Krishna Himself, initiated Madhusudana das Babaji, giving him the Maha Mantra and a ten-syllable mantra. However, before Madhusudana could learn more about the saint or the intricacies of the mantras, the saintly figure disappeared without a trace.

A Lonely Path

Lacking knowledge of his Guru’s identity, lineage, or the proper method of chanting the mantras, Madhusudana das Babaji found himself isolated. The sadhus and saints of Vrindavan, unsure of his spiritual credentials, distanced themselves from him, leaving Madhusudana in a state of desolation.

Divine Intervention

Feeling life was not worth living without the association of sadhus, Madhusudana das Babaji decided to end his life. He tied a large Govardhana Shila to his neck and jumped into Radha Kund. As he sank into the sacred waters, Radha and Krishna appeared, untied the rope from his neck, and rescued him. They provided him with the necessary spiritual instructions, writing down the name of his Guru, his lineage, and the proper way to chant the mantras on tala leaves before disappearing again.

Recognition and Reverence

After this miraculous event, Madhusudana das Babaji was no longer seen as an outcast. Word of his divine rescue spread across Vrindavan, and he was revered by the Vaishnava community. He was recognized as a true devotee, and his teachings were held in high esteem.

The Miraculous Govardhana Shila

One day, Srimati Radharani appeared to Madhusudana das Babaji in a dream, instructing him to retrieve a special Govardhana Shila from Suryakund. The Shila, marked with the imprints of Radharani’s crown, jewelry, and veil, was to be worshipped. The next morning, Madhusudana das Babaji found the Shila exactly as described in his dream, and he began to worship it. This Shila, now enshrined at Suryakund, continues to be a sacred object of veneration.

Legacy and Celebration

Madhusudana das Babaji’s disappearance day is commemorated with a ten-day festival starting on the eighth day of the waning moon in the month of Agra-Hayana (Marga-Sirsha, December-January). The festival concludes with the Chalashati Mahanta Bhoga, an offering of food to the 64 main associates of Lord Caitanya, followed by a grand feast for the saints.

Lesson to Be Learned

This story teaches us the importance of faith and perseverance in the path of devotion. Even when faced with isolation and misunderstanding, Madhusudana das Babaji’s unwavering devotion ultimately led to divine intervention and recognition. It reminds us that Krishna’s grace can manifest in the most unexpected ways, and true spiritual knowledge is revealed to those who remain sincere and devoted.

Quote from Shastra

“Ananyas chintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate | Tesham nityabhiyuktanam yoga-kshemam vahamy aham”
— Bhagavad Gita 9.22
“To those who are constantly devoted and who worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.”

This verse highlights the assurance that Krishna personally takes care of the needs and spiritual progress of His devoted followers.


Oh Radha and Krishna, just as You rescued Madhusudana das Babaji and revealed to him the path of devotion, please guide me on my spiritual journey. Let me always remember that true devotion is marked by humility, perseverance, and unwavering faith. Grant me the strength to endure hardships and the wisdom to seek Your grace in all circumstances. May I always be blessed with the association of great souls and the ability to serve You with a pure heart. Jai Sri Radhe! Jai Sri Krishna!