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The Preparations for War

It was certain that the Mahabharata war would take place after all attempts at peace had failed. Various kings from different lands joined either the Pandavas or Duryodhana’s side, based on their inclinations. The Pandavas approached the King of Udupi to see which side he would support.

The Udupi King decided not to join either side in combat. Instead, he took on the noble task of feeding the soldiers from both sides. The Mahabharata war adhered to the dharma of wars, and after each day’s battle, soldiers from both sides would sit together and share meals.

The Udupi King’s Remarkable Insight

During these meals, Sri Krishna would sit beside Yudhishthira Maharaj, and the Udupi King personally served them. Remarkably, the Udupi King always prepared the exact amount of food required for the surviving soldiers each day, never having any excess or shortage. The Pandavas were curious about how he knew the exact number of soldiers who would die each day and decided to investigate.

When they asked the cooks if there was any excess or shortage of food, the cooks revealed that the Udupi King knew exactly how many soldiers would survive and accordingly ordered the preparation of food.

Intrigued, the Pandavas asked the Udupi King how he knew the number of soldiers who would die each day. The Udupi King explained that he served pudding to Sri Krishna each day and attentively observed how many peanuts Krishna ate. The number of peanuts Krishna consumed indicated the number of soldiers who would die the next day, with each peanut representing thousands of soldiers.

Krishna’s Will and the Illusion of Control

Realizing that Krishna’s will determined the outcome of the battles, the Pandavas prayed to Krishna, acknowledging that their fighting was merely a show and that the true outcome was decided by Krishna.

Moral of the Story

This incident beautifully illustrates that everything happens by the arrangement of Krishna. Without His will, not even a blade of grass can move. He orchestrates events to teach us valuable lessons. When we become proud and think that we are the controllers, Krishna reminds us that He is the true controller of everything.

We are like puppets in the hands of the Lord, and He is the puppet master. All plans are made by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Despite this, Krishna is so kind and merciful that He often gives credit to His devotees.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna reveals His universal form to Arjuna and explains that everything happens by His arrangement.

Bhagavad Gita 11.33:

“Therefore, get up. Prepare to fight and win glory. Conquer your enemies and enjoy a flourishing kingdom. They are already put to death by My arrangement, and you, O Savyasachi, can be but an instrument in the fight.”

This verse reinforces the idea that while we may act as instruments, the true controller and orchestrator of events is Krishna Himself.


We must recognize Krishna’s supreme control over all events and humbly accept our role as His instruments. By understanding and accepting His will, we can find peace and purpose in our actions, knowing that we are part of His divine plan.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

PS: I humbly request all devotees to forward and share this moral/instructive story so that everyone can benefit by hearing about Krishna and His dear devotees.

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