You are currently viewing Maharaj Pratapa Rudra’s Anxiousness to See Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

The Desire for Darshan

Maharaj Pratapa Rudra, the great king of Odisha, was an ardent devotee of Lord Jagannath. When he heard from his guru, Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, that the same Lord Jagannath had incarnated as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to propagate the Harinam Sankirtan movement, the king’s desire to have darshan (a sacred meeting) of the Lord grew immensely. Despite being a powerful king, Pratapa Rudra was humble and sought the blessings of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya to arrange a meeting with the Lord. However, Lord Chaitanya, who had taken the vow of renunciation, was reluctant to meet with any kings, considering such associations to be a distraction from His spiritual mission.

Attempts to Pacify the King

Despite Lord Chaitanya’s refusal, the devotees, understanding the king’s deep devotion, tried various ways to pacify him. Nityananda Prabhu, with his boundless compassion, suggested that the king be given a piece of Lord Chaitanya’s clothing. The cloth, being non-different from the Lord Himself, was given to the king, who worshipped it with great reverence. Another attempt was made when Ramananda Rai suggested that the king’s son, who bore a resemblance to Krishna, be presented to Lord Chaitanya. The Lord, upon seeing the boy, was reminded of Krishna and embraced him with great affection, which in turn brought immense joy to King Pratapa Rudra when he embraced his son.

The Secret Glimpse

Despite these consolations, King Pratapa Rudra’s yearning to see Lord Chaitanya only intensified. The devotees suggested that the king could secretly observe Lord Chaitanya during one of His ecstatic kirtans. On the day of the Ratha Yatra, the king hid himself and watched as Lord Chaitanya danced in ecstasy. The Lord’s dance was filled with divine expressions—tears flowed from His eyes, His body trembled with love, and He roared with joy while chanting the Holy Names. The king was overwhelmed with gratitude for being granted this secret darshan.

Doubt and Divine Revelation

However, after returning to his palace, a doubt crept into the king’s mind. He wondered why Lord Chaitanya’s body was covered in saliva during the dance, considering saliva to be impure according to Vedic standards. This doubt troubled him deeply. That night, Lord Jagannath appeared to the king in a dream, with His body similarly covered in saliva and dust. The Lord questioned the king’s hesitation to touch Him in this state, explaining that such bodily manifestations were not ordinary but were expressions of divine ecstasy. The Lord then transformed into the form of Lord Chaitanya, reaffirming that both forms were the same Supreme Personality.

Maharaj Pratapa Rudra’s Realization

Upon waking, King Pratapa Rudra was filled with remorse for having doubted the Lord’s divine expressions. He prayed earnestly for forgiveness, recognizing that Lord Chaitanya was indeed Lord Jagannath Himself. The dream had not only removed his doubts but also deepened his devotion. The king’s experience exemplifies the Lord’s compassion in revealing His divine nature to sincere devotees, even when they temporarily fall into illusion.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. The Power of Devotion:
    • Maharaj Pratapa Rudra’s story demonstrates that sincere devotion can move even the Supreme Lord to reveal Himself, despite any temporary doubts or obstacles.
  2. The Importance of Humility:
    • Despite being a king, Pratapa Rudra displayed immense humility and a genuine desire to serve and see the Lord. This humility was crucial in his spiritual journey.
  3. The Compassion of the Lord:
    • The Lord’s willingness to clear the king’s doubts through a divine dream shows His boundless compassion for His devotees. Even when a devotee makes a mistake, the Lord provides opportunities for them to learn and grow.
  4. Submissive Hearing:
    • The story emphasizes the importance of hearing spiritual knowledge from a bona fide source with a humble and service-oriented attitude. It is through such hearing that one can truly understand the divine pastimes and nature of the Lord.

Prayer for Devotion and Understanding

O Supreme Lord Chaitanya, the embodiment of compassion, We bow before You, seeking Your grace and guidance.

May we, like Maharaj Pratapa Rudra, develop an unwavering desire to see and serve You, Even when faced with doubts and challenges.

O Lord, please forgive our shortcomings and doubts, And reveal to us Your divine nature and pastimes.

May our hearts be filled with humility, And may we always seek Your darshan with a pure and sincere heart.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Om Tat Sat.
